Section: 9IDS X64 Installer Manual 700-398-02D Issued August 201026Table 6: Zone Types in String FormatZones Loc Sub-loc As Strings Zone Type1 - 8 1 n/a 0102040404040404 ref above table9 - 16 2 n/a 0000000000000000 All Disabled17 - 24 3 n/a 0000000000000000 All Disabled25 - 32 4 n/a 0000000000000000 All Disabled33 - 40 5 n/a 0000000000000000 All Disabled41 - 48 6 n/a 0000000000000000 All Disabled49 - 56 7 n/a 0000000000000000 All Disabled57 - 64 8 n/a 0000000000000000 All DisabledTable 7: Zone Types in Sub-location FormatZone Loc Sub-Loc As Sub-locations Zone Type1 1 1 01 Entry / Exit2 1 2 02 Follower3 1 3 04 Audible Instant4 1 4 04 Audible Instant5 1 5 04 Audible Instant6 1 6 04 Audible Instant7 1 7 04 Audible Instant8 1 8 04 Audible InstantThe valid data range is: 00 – 05, 08, 10 – 15.9.2 Global SetupLOCATION 10 Zone Shutdown Count (default = 5)This location determines the number of times a zone may be violated while the panel is armedbefore it is automatically bypassed. Disarming the panel will clear all bypassed zones.The Zone Shutdown Count set here applies to all zones that have option 3 (shutdown zone) enabled inlocations 101-164.[INSTALLER CODE] [*] [1] [0] [*] [ZONE SHUTDOWN COUNT] [*]The valid data range is: 1 – 15.LOCATION 11 Programmable Zone Loop Response Time (default = 2)The zone loop response time is the period of time for which a zone must remain violated beforea violation is registered. The time is calculated in 12 millisecond increments starting at 12ms. A partialtable between the values of 1 and 255 is shown in Table 8; times not shown on the table can becalculated as per the following example:198 x 0.012 = 2.38 seconds.(This is an advanced location).To program the time into this location, the format is [MMSS].[INSTALLER CODE] [*] [1] [1] [*] [ZONE LOOP RESPONSE TIME] [*]