Section: 9IDS X64 Installer Manual 700-398-02D Issued August 201030Table 10: Trouble Display OptionsLED On / Off Action1 ON Enable AC fail trouble displayOFF Disable AC fail trouble display2 ON Enable reporting communications fail trouble displayOFF Disable reporting communications fail trouble display3 ON Enable telephone line monitoring trouble displayOFF Disable telephone monitoring line trouble display4 ON Enable siren monitoring trouble displayOFF Disable siren monitoring trouble display5 ON Enable low battery monitoring trouble displayOFF Disable low battery monitoring trouble display6 ON Enable Aux. 12V monitoring trouble displayOFF Disable Aux. 12V monitoring trouble display7 ON Enable engineer's reset trouble displayOFF Disable engineer‟s reset trouble display8 ON Enable box tamper trouble displayOFF Disable box tamper trouble display9 ON Enable bus-wired peripheral tamper trouble displayOFF Disable bus-wired peripheral tamper trouble display10 ON Enable bus-wired peripheral fail trouble displayOFF Disable bus-wired peripheral fail trouble display11 ON Enable bus-wired peripheral low power/ battery trouble displayOFF Disable bus-wired peripheral low power/ battery trouble display12 ON Enable EEPROM trouble displayOFF Disable EEPROM trouble displayDefault values are shadedExplanation of Trouble Conditions AC FailThis occurs when the Alarm Panel does not receive any power from your mainselectricity. Causes of this can be a power failure, or your transformer is not plugged in orfaulty.This trouble condition will only clear once the power has been restored. Reporting Communications FailureThis occurs when communication to the monitoring company is not successful.The event will clear upon exiting the trouble viewing mode. Telephone Line MonitoringThe causes of this could be a fault, or short, on the phone line; or the phone line couldbe cut.This trouble condition will only clear once the phone line restored. Siren MonitoringThis can occur when the siren has been removed from circuit or the siren fuse on thepanel has blown.This trouble condition will only clear once the siren has been put back into circuit or thefuse has been replaced.