Section: 9IDS X64 Installer Manual 700-398-02D Issued August 201028LOCATION 14 Global OptionsThis location allows you to configure the global options for the X64 Alarm Panel. Table 9 showsthe available options.NOTE:For each enabled option, the corresponding locations that configure that option must also beprogrammed for correct operation.Table 9: Global Options DataLED On / Off Action1 ON A user assigned to any partition may cancel the sirenOFF Only a user assigned to the partition that triggered the siren may cancel the siren2 ON Enable keypad trouble beepOFF Disable keypad trouble beep3 ON Enable telephone line monitoringOFF Disable telephone line monitoring4 ON Enable keypad beep on successful reporting to the base stationOFF Disable keypad beep on successful reporting to the base station5 ON Enable keypad Fire, Medical and Panic keysOFF Disable keypad Fire, Medical and Panic keys6 ON Enable the display of bypassed and stay zones when armedOFF Disable the display of bypassed and stay zones when armed7 ON Enable the siren delayOFF Disable the siren delay8 ON Enable box tamper monitoringOFF Disable box tamper monitoring9 ON Enable siren monitoringOFF Disable siren monitoring10 ON Enable bus-wired peripheral tamper monitoring*OFF Disable bus-wired peripheral tamper monitoring*11 ON Enable onboard dedicated panic – silentOFF Disable onboard dedicated panic– audible12 ON Enable low battery monitoring**OFF Disable low battery monitoring**13 ON Enable low battery cut-out**OFF Disable low battery cut-out**Default values are shaded* Option 9 in location 16 must be enabled for this to work.** Option 12 needs to be enabled in order for option 13 to work.