Section: 9IDS X64 Installer Manual 700-398-02D Issued August 201068Regardless of which partition they are allocated to, disarming any partition will clear these outputs.Table 28: Clear Programmable Onboard Outputs DataLED Disarm Clear Output1 Output 12 Output 23 Output 34 Output 45 Output 5LOCATIONS 381 - 386 Clear Programmable Zone Expander Outputs on DisarmingThis bitmapped location allows the 2 outputs of the 6 zone expanders to be cleared (set low)on disarming. The output(s) to be cleared will be displayed by zone number LEDs. The programmableoutputs will clear when ANY partition is disarmed. Refer to Table 29 to view which zone number LEDcorresponds to which zone expander output.Each location represents a zone expander: Location 381 represents zone expander 1 Location 382 represents zone expander 2 Location 383 represents zone expander 3 Location 384 represents zone expander 4 Location 385 represents zone expander 5 Location 386 represents zone expander 6Table 29: Clear Programmable Zone Expander Outputs DataLED Output1 Output 12 Output 2LOCATION 389 Clear Programmable Keypad Outputs on DisarmingThis bitmapped location allows the single outputs of the 8 keypads to be cleared (set low) ondisarming. The output/s to be cleared will be displayed by zone number LEDs. The programmableoutputs will clear when ANY partition is disarmed. Refer to Table 30 to view which zone number LEDcorresponds to which keypad output.Table 30: Clear Programmable Keypad Outputs DataLED Output1 Keypad 12 Keypad 23 Keypad 34 Keypad 45 Keypad 56 Keypad 67 Keypad 78 Keypad 8