Section: 9IDS X64 Installer Manual 700-398-02D Issued August 201040The valid data range is: 1 - 15.9.6 Phone NumbersNOTES ON SINGLE REPORTING:Single reporting works by dialling the first programmed number within the chosen telephone module. Ifthere is no answer, the second phone number will be dialled. If the second telephone number picks upthe call, then the reporting is considered successful.If the second phone number does not pick up, then it will dial the first number again. It will alternatebetween the phone numbers, until one is successful, up to the number of dial attempts programmed intolocation 47.If a phone number has no value programmed into it, it implies that it is disabled.NOTES ON DUAL REPORTING:By enabling dual reporting it is possible to select a different format for each reporting medium. In thisinstance, all data will be transmitted to each phone number (i.e. reported twice) using the formatspecified for that particular number. Both numbers need to be programmed for dual reporting to work.If the dual reporting feature is enabled, an event must be communicated to both telephone numbersbefore the event is considered reported. This feature cannot be used with the join phone numbers option.(See location 46).If dual reporting is enabled the dual reporting output will be set when the panel dials the second phonenumber, and cleared when it hangs up at the end of transmission. This output follows the hook relay. Itmay be used to trigger switching from the telephone line to a radio transmitter.NOTES ON HOW TO PROGRAM A PHONE NUMBER:Enter numbers consecutively with no other key presses between each digit.Inserting pausesA pause may be inserted at any point within the telephone number: Entering a value of [MODE] [3] willprovide a 12-second pause, [MODE] [4] will provide an 8-second pause and a value of [MODE] [5] willprovide a 4-second pause.To dial a “*” enter [MODE] [1]To dial a “#” enter [MODE] [2]For a “12-second pause” enter [MODE] [3] (On the LCD keypad it will be displayed as a “+”)For a “8-second pause” enter [MODE] [4] (On the LCD keypad it will be displayed as a “=”)For a “4-second pause” enter [MODE] [5] (On the LCD keypad it will be displayed as a “-“)[MODE] [0] will clear the phone number, anything entered into this location after that will NOT beregistered.EXAMPLE:Phone number 1 is to be dialled as follows:[0] followed by a 4-second pause then [0317051373]. The key sequences are as follows per Table 21.