From The N3UJJ.COM Document LibraryFrom The N3UJJ.COM Document LibraryTirhe-ot.Jt'Timer ·select mod& {Page 40} lo limi tcontir-~uous: tr_ansmit 'time.Squelch Ha:ng Tirtle ·selecl tl10d€1 {page '28} tochange the time the squelch remains .open after·loss·ot the received earner·(l) Sl:iiFT buttonSelects the transmit frequency offse't with respect to therec.eive frfK]uency {page 58}. ·The amount of·offseldepends on the band :selected and v~r~ipn ·pitransceiver that you have . Also provlpes:DTSS/Page ·function activate/deacti\lale{pages 91 and 94!• DTSSI Page coae select.mode {pa_ges 89 and 93}•· Auto Page Cancel {page 98} activate/deactivate.@ TONE b!JitpnSwitctiss the Tone function ON or OFF {page 60) .Wheii the TSiJ-8 option is installed, also switChes theCTCSS function•CtN or OFF. Also provides :• Tone Alert {page 99} activate/deactivateToneiCTCss trequencysetect mode{pages·61 ana 87}1\utomatic Tone Frequency.ID actlvate/deactivt~Je{paga88}.@ F [Function) buttonAllows you to select the·dit!E!renf funolions that areavailabLe on multllu11ction buttons. I'Jifferenltunctions·are selected as lollows:By pre,ssiflg and releasing (FJ, then pressing anolherbutton ([FJ, .[ButtonJr• By pr.ess!ng and ITolcling [F) dOwn lor 1 seco.hd brmore. releasing h. then pressing another button((F) (1 s), (Button))·• By prel)stng and haloing (F}, fhen pressing anotherbytjof! ([F)~(Buttonl)® REV' (Rellerse) btillonSwitches the tra!'lsmit frEfquency and receive.frequencywh·en operating with a tran.smit nffset or a .S!JI It.memoryCI1Mnel {page .59}. Also provides the followingf\Jn~tions : -Frequenty step mode select {pagl;' 35} to ·9tJarog ethe steJ5 size of the Turiipg control while in VFOmodeBeep select mode !pag:e 77f to choose the le11e1. Ofth~ button acknowledgment beep. or to switch OFFttle b'eepAutomanc Simplex Checker activate/deactivate{page 60}® MUTE buttonActivates the Mute !unction {page 74} whichautomatically redu ces the receive volum·e llYapproximately 20 dB on the other band when a signal rsreceived on the Transmit band. Also provides thefollowing functions:Automatic Band Change (A .B.C .). {page 7.3}activate/deactivate to have lhe transceiverautomatically but temporarily select the bano onwhich the squelch opens as rhe Transmit band.Advanced Intercept Po int !AlP) (page 74} .@ {~ l)'>' '~~@ CONT SEL (c;:; Qnlrct Select) buttonSelects the band lhat you wish 'to control (Control baM)with the Front Panel controls, 'The Controi ·Seiectindicators (see Item 16) ,show .which band is ·currentlyselec,e(J . Also ·provides·me rollowirrg functions:· Remote ·Control mode select {Pag}• VHF/VHF or UHFfi,JHF confj'guralion {page 3.0}.@ '/3 'VOL (Volume) controlsBANO SEL (Band SeleCt) buttonsWhen turned. lhese: eontrol$ ad]ust.the level of rece iVeauaio front !he ~peaker { 26}. The left controladjusts the \/OI!Jffi\l f0r tlie 144 MHz bana, and the rightcontrol adJUsts lhe volume tor t he 430{440 •Ml':lz- baoct .Wne11 press.ea , 1t1ese ou.Uons select the desiredD qnsrnit band. The left button selects rhe i 44 MH and !tie right button selects the 430/440 MHzband . These buttons are also used to select the bar\dto be c'Qntrolle(J from the Fronl f'anel.