From The N3UJJ.COM Document LibraryFrom The N3UJJ.COM Document LibraryFEATUBESIntroduces Programmable Memo ry channels thatstore much more information than regular memorychannels to preserve llfl entire operatingenvironment for quick recalL• Labels lor multHunction buttons change resulting Ina mora user-friend ly tran:>ceiver .• t rent Panel detaches easily tram tl1e Main Uni t·via asin gle slide switch tor simple r.emote mount ing .Full transceive capability on on e 'treq uency·pairwhile simultaneously monitorihg anptller rec~ivelreq~encyon the other band: Simultaneous recei vec;:onl1gura t1011s rncl l.lde VHF/ UHF , VHFNHF,,and.UHF/ UHF .• ·Automatic Simplex Checker (ASG) f1,1nction thatadvis~s when dire¢! s.implex communication can beused tnstead ot a repeater,• Ded icatel:l Front Panel DA'rA connectortor 1200 bpsor 96Qd bps Pa.cket operatiotll·• Ad'l.aneed Intercept Poi nt (AI P), lunclioll ior·lightingintsrmoduta\ion pr obtt~ ms . -CONVENTIQNS FOLLOWED IN THIS MANUALTile writing conventions described below have bel!nfollowed to simplify instruetions and avo1d unnecessaryrepetition. lormat Is less confus1ng tor the reader.Review ing tile following information now will reduc;.eyour learning period. That roeans tess t1me Will ~espenl reading thiS manual : more t•me w1ll be ava1labletor operating.Not~:,• B.~:~u;' procedures ere numt>er(Jtl $~Q(lqntitJJ_Iy Ia guide you step-by -step. Add1tiDnal information perlat':ling to:« st~o, b(ll neteSS9nlfal (!J complete t~ pt(Jr.P.dur6, JS' provided Jn bu!Jeted fOrmto/fo.l/ffng fl~oy sreps for further gUKJitflCe.·• · MosJ P'oced<•t es t~i:luire that y~u #Inter-a flfl~l key SlrOk6 ttJa~ actsa.o; a term.inatot fo r tne procedure. You Ciln, if you preteJ~ wart f018pproK•fhStely 10 seconds rather than ente:r mJ·s fiMI key t~ntry.ACCESSORIESllccessory !'art NLimber o.~~mi !YMicrJJphoneU.$ .AJCanada,General 1 T91-0517-XX · l~<,~rope, General' T91-051~Xlt 1Microphone trangerU, S.A./ Canada J2().Q3t9·XX 1-Microphone· screw1- ~.:.~·A./Canada N46-301 o.X)( 2......_OC power cable E31H111 -XX 1'Transceiver fus.e; 15 A F51-0017·XX iMountin_g br:ac~et J29-0436·XX 1' Mounting btaeket screwsSell-tapping sc rew N09-03 35·XX . 4Wasber N1~1050-XX 4HeJtag.on screw ND9 · 2177-XX 4:wrench WOl-0414-XX 1Warran ty caroU.S.A./C.anada,E \Jrope2 - 1,•+·-·Jnstruction manual 862-0391-XX 1. - -1 'Excluding some General and E~ropean vers1oos.2 Ex¢1uding some Eur~pean versions .tns\ruction ' Wha1to doIPress Press.aQd .release KEY.[KEY).-Press Press and hold KEV1 down ,(REYt)+[KEY2l_. ·th eo pre$s KEV2.·- · +~·-Press Pres s KEY1 momentarit)',(KEY1) , ~I relea~e KEY1, 111 e 11 Pr!"SSKEV2 ,· ·· ~Press With lransceiYer power OFF.[KEY]~ POWER ON. press and hold KEY, then \urrON the •transceiver power by.pressing [PWR].Press With lhe transceiver power[KEY1} t[KE.Y2) .. OFF , press and hold bothPOWER ON. KEY1 and KEY2 down , thentum ON the transceive.r powerby pressing [PWR).Press Press and hold the Function!FJ (1 s), key until l he ''F" indicator onlhe Display begins blinking.Press Pr ess and hold ! umil t ile!KEY) (18). h,Jnction begins.<-· ··Press [FJ momentarily,[F], [KEY] (1 sf. i release {F). then press ang·j hold KEY IQr 1 second .orlonger.