From The N3UJJ.COM Document LibraryFrom The N3UJJ.COM Document Library@ SQL. (Stluelth) controlsAdjustlhE! squelch •.lhrestlold.level {page 27}, Thisallows you to mute speaker output while no sfation s· arebeing received. T!1e lett control sets the threshold f¢rthe 144 MHz band and the riQht control sets thethreshold tor the 430/440 MHz band .@ CO NT' SEL. (Control Select) indicatorsLight Qreen to indicate which band is the CQntrol (>andthat can be cqntrolled tram \he Front Panel(see Item 12) .@ MitropnoM connectorlrts~i'l the a-pin modular connector plug until the locKingtab "clicks''.@ DATA connectorConnect' a Terminal Node Cofllroller (TNC) for Packetoperation. Accepts a 6-pin rnini DIN plug (Pt~Qe 1 1}.Reler·to page 111 'for 'instructions to remove the .coYer.BfARPAtm ANT .connector'Connect M .axternal antenna(sJ . Wilen maKing testtransmiss ion& . connect a dummy toad in .place of theanteMa. The antenna system or load shol.!ld have ani mped;lnee or 50 (!. European 3rld General versionsare equpped with a single connector for connection of adual [land antenna. European versions accept a maleN-type .connector ; General vers ions ·accept a malePL·259 connector . l! .S. and (;:anada versions areequipped With 2 co11nectors ; tile upper connector is·torthe 144 MHz band and ttl$ lower connector is forlhe440 Mf'lz band . Both of these connectors accept malePL •259 cQnnector.s (pages '6 an\l !l}.®. .Power l"put DC 13.8 ·V conn~clo rConnect a 1a.a v OG power .source. .Use .the .suppliedDC power table (pages 4 and 7}.18® PM (Programmable Memor¥) butto11'Controls, all.aspects of lhe Programmable Me!T\orylum;tion {pa!;le.51} .® PWR (Power.) switchSwl\c.hes !.he ·transce iver ON 6r 0FF {page 26} . Alsoprovides 'the folloWing functions:• VFP Reset {page 49)• fu ll Reset {page 50}·@ Release. switchSllging this !;witch to the left the Front Panelfrom .the Main Unit. HOld tM Front Panel when usingthiS .switch to pre~ent the panel from .falling when il isreleased. When re-installing the Front Panel , positionthe right rear edge of the panel first. then press tile Jeffrronf sid!l ofthe p(!nel firmly aga insnhe Main Unit.When the Release sw itch clicks , tlie Front Pa11el issecured.CAUTION: Always SW(IG/1 OFF the ¢wer oo(or re/easi!1g orre-if1Stalf;llf} the Front Panel...-~----@@) SP ~ fiiCkff YoU wish. connect ari optional external speaker fo rclearer aud io. Accepts ca 3.5 mm diamete.r, 2-i;onductorplug . See page 9 for more information.® SP2 jac~If :.;o u wish, connect an optional ·exlernal speaker lorclearer audio . Accepts a 3.5 rnm diameter, 2-~ood ucforplug . .See page 9 for mora information .