From The N3UJJ.COM Document LibraryFrom The N3UJJ.COM Document LibraryPtobl em symptomMemory transfer copies dalalrom a memory channel to theVFO oorrectly, but turning theTuni'19 control c;auses the!lequency to jump to alreqiJency within t roePlQgrammab!e VFO range.The VFO frequency range Is'very ll!II1CW. -88f1d Scaq o nly ~ a~ a/TOW range olllequencles;the entire band cannot be11eanned,"The transceiver doe$ notrespond ~orrectl~ afier youproos button ~oiTibinallons per~~~t ructio~ s In th i$ rnanual.~-..Packet operatlort resullS in nooo~noots with' other stations.MC·45MultifunctionMicrophonePG •3GDC Line Noise Filtl:lr(High Capacitance Type)lOS' PJoballle.Cll,use Corrective ActionThe frequency Is jumping to be,Within the Programf!'able VFOlimits.Do a PaNial Reset.The Programmable VFO li mits are Change the ProgtarntMble VFO ~ .~l Ot a natrow fTeQuetl cy range. -··You are a<:t ually wing Select a frequ ency that. Is outside the Rmits set lorProgrammable Band Scan Progbla B and Scan , t he~ press [VFQ] (t s) .becaU$• you have selected aVFO frequency within the limitsfor PIQllrammable Band Scan. ···- -Buttons a~a not being pressed in Review "CONVENTION S FOLLOWED IN THISIhe.corTtlct manner . MANUAL". Different functions are select!!(! deoandingon how long a bUtton Is kald down or whell1er ll,b11tlonis released before the neMt button i$ pressed. e_tc,1 Your ffequency differn fromthe target slatlon•s treque11cy.t 1\djust your frequency using 11\EI T1,1nlng .;ontrot2 T he mOdulation level from the 2 Adjust t he TNC modulation level accQrding to theTNC Is Jncorrecl. TNG Instruction manual.3 There Is mli ti-path distortion. 3 ReoriMI 01 relocate the antenna. The sl rongestsig()al does no1 atwavs provide the best QPet~llonon pacl(et .4 The TX delay lime pararpete< ; 4in youl TNC is set incorrect]y. l Set lh e TNC TX delay time to rmre than 300 fll$.OPTION AL AC CESSORI ESMC·45DMMutUfunctionMicrophonew~h DT MF keysPG-38DC Line Noise fi l terPS-33Regulated DCPower SupplyTSU·8CTCSSUn1t•PG-2Noc Powe.r CableMB-12Mobile. MountingBJad\etPageRef.493369~10011~-101'107 PreviousNext |