From The N3UJJ.COM Document LibraryFrom The N3UJJ.COM Document Library1/cf!B:., B V2 and iJ2 f cannot be use11 5imulfa~al.isl~. OnlyV2 or tP c~n btit used at on~ time: Par exampte; it you ettempt toactivate IF wllile yO ars using V' , I,J'wi/1 />e s"'•tc!>edOFFautomn/l.(;afly when Step .3 ts donq in. ths.above pr~edure.s:,. Reaetver perlpanance, for eJtample imags rejection aodsensil /v;'ty, may be: M;ss wherJ us;ng eithet V2 Ot tJ2 tn()fjtt. 1~ thesame trequ~y is stJiected o.n ·bOth bands when using ltiesemcde$. II'Nt S·meter reaGIJI'tg may 00 affected. Also, r~~wevolume may be lowet d~panding on tfte f]O$J' Iiot1 of tll.s VOL.oonlrcls.• Transniit Banilloc~This function locks the Transmit band to ·either the.144 MHz tland or the 430/440 MHz band: WhenT sana Lock is activated. the [BAND SEL]buttons a11cl'lhe microphone. {PF] button only cha!lgethe control band r they do not allect the Transmitband .1 Press IF). [BAND SE;L) ,The i OQ kHz de<;imat poin Lapp.ean; .on th eDisplay of ~he 'focRed b.ana .Refer to the cnart .2 To unlock this tunetion , repeat. Step 1.• Blankin.g a Baqd Display32IJ,you have no piMS·!O use o{1e of the bl!nds, YOI.lmay, want to: remove the frequency display·lqr theunused band . This reduces the amount ofinlormation on the Display which makes:jj simple·r toread the informa tion you need. Transmit andreceive are no1 possible on the band on which y.oublank the lrequency display. However , this. actionhas no e'llecf on the re(l'lain ing band .Press [FJ (1 s), [BAND SEL] to toggle eillier the-144 MHz or430/440 MHz Band Di~pla y ON or OFf.• Press the Iell [BAND SE"] to. blank 1M t 44 MHZband and the right [BAND SELJ to blank. Jhe430!440 MHz band."-OFF-" appears tor about 10 seconds belprethe. Display i$ blanked. When [BAND SEl] 'for ·a.blanked band or when the power is switched ON ,the blanke(l Display ·shows "~FF-' ' for Jhe .same at11ount of time before blanl(ing ,·'I llli7 ,_.- cI" - ''L ...• U' t]'/01<5: II bdlh Bar>;~ D1s{#y$ sre ;nvjtche(l C)FF but rhotra.nsc~;.w pt)INBf ;s not svviJCh«J Ot=f:, audio let lhH balldswilched OFF tasl willl>e present at tile RD termiil•f itt meml/:r~hOne ~onet/Q< wllenltltt t>aMs ate $WII(;Ir¢d ON again. IIllry, prBss. Jhe [BAIID SEL] buJton of ths band b.>ing,,ussato .estwe rhe R(l ourpvt.Belore ~tierVHF UHF Pless. ViiF I UHfBand &and Band. Bandu uu ll tJu u.u ll uL;:· ·lo¢ked. u ~ Unl oc!sedVFO MODEL__..[F], VHf" (BAND SEI..] luu[F] , UHf' [SAND SELj uu.The VFO m~de allowS' you to select opefrequencies by using the Tunfng eontrol or themicrophone as expta•ned Uflder "SELECTINGFfiEQU.E NCI ES" in the next· section .uU'uluL1 Press lBAND SELJ to s.elect your desired band .2 f!r~ss [VFOJ to serect VFO mode.• The ~>Urren!ly s·efected lrequency appears.f If already in VFO mooe, lt~e<:e is no ch!lnge.VF:Omode must be selected when usi ng the followir~gfunelions rSelectVFO ·mode to use the !ollowin!i hinctfons PaQeRef..Programmable·Band Sean limit ~elect. 70Prog111mmable ·VFO Limit setect 33 PreviousNext |