From The N3UJJ.COM Document LibraryFrom The N3UJJ.COM Document LibraryREMOViNG Ttff DAU CQNNEt,TOR' COVEFJCtA.VTIOfl: A/Wars swirch.OFF 1/r~- power a11dwrplug tt>o DC powerca4/e Jir$t. ·1 Slide the sJ:Iring-loaoec! Aelease switch on thebottom of the Front Panel .to unlOck the Front Panelfrom the Main Unit.Hold the Front Panel to prevent the panel from·falling When It is released.Front Pattei bollom2 Pull the Fror~l Panel sliQhlly·to th~ lett as you lift •~away irom the .Main Unit·.DETACHABlE FRONT PANEL KlTS(DFK·3B, DFK-48 , DFK·7B)• lnsla II ali onCAIITION: Alwdys swirco OFF l/le powe¥ and vt>plug rhe DC powercable Nrst ,1 Slide lhe spring-loaded Release switcll on thebottom of the Front Panel to unlock the FronlPanel trom lhe Main Unit.Hold the Front Panella prevent tM _panel fromfalling when Itis released.Front Pansl-t;Jottom; • • +'2 Pull the Front Panel slightly to·th,e 'lett·as you lift itaway from .the Main Uriit..3 ln.:;ert a S01afl , !lat-bl'aded screwdriver Into the stat asshown in !116 diag r-;uh .4 Pry gently outwaril with the .screwdriver as yuu pull! he cover-oil with your fingers.5 Re- install the F ron ! Panel by pQsilioning the rig htreat edge of the panel !irst, then pressing the leftfront side or tile panel firmly against the Main Unit.When the Release switch clicks. the front Panel 1ssecured. Store the cover in a safe place'.1113 Han g th~ connector on the eonnectorized cal:!fe.from the Front Panel Kit on tile j)'awl on .the frontof the Main Unit. Secure the con[leclor using thesi.IPPiied screw, If thi~ screw is loose, the -transceiver may mallunctiQn ,·4 Connect ttie other end of'! he connectori.zed llableto the One Tooch Panel. The right edge of ,theconnector should be inserted first into the spaceon the One Touch Panel sueR that the cut-awaycorners on the connector mate witllt!'lepositioning tabs protruc!ing 'into the space. Next,press the left side ol tha conr~.ector into positionahd secure the con·nector using ttte ·suppliebracket and screw. ·· -~~~-~-~ ..... .. . r'One Touch Ra.MI