From The N3UJJ.COM Document LibraryFrom The N3UJJ.COM Document Library·STORING DAtA IN PROGRAMMABLE MI?MORY'To store any nata in a Programmable Memory char.mel ,(he following must be ttue:• Tllll transc.eiver i ~ in VFd mode .Th~ Cll!lnnel Display (pag13 47} function is not baingused .$cqrl is not baing usee on eith<;! r band,Both bands ;lr8 in the Receive mode .Ifall ofth!l above.are true, you ·can proceed with theprocedure below .1 Select the' desired band, f requency, afld associateddata (Ton~:, C.TCSS , ti'TSS, etc.) using VFO mode..2 P·ress (F.J, {PM] to select Programmable MemoryStorage ..The. Programmable Memory cha,nrel numbers.:~pp&ar 1n place of the bUtlol) f\JI'iCtions on theDisplay .i a uonn' I v, 1.-1!..1U1 2 lUSING PROGRAMMABLE MEMORYThe loll owing dia.gram Ol.lllines..Q,ener fllly·how. to.acce.ssthe daUl in Pr.ogrammable Memory 'Channel$ .Store data in Pr(lgrammable M@m~ry in ·VFO Moo a. I! TRecall Programf'!lable Swi tch irom VFP mocll,l toMemory Channel~. in P•oprammable M&mol)lVFO mode. ' Ch;annel mode.1Recall ProgrammableMemory C~.;nnels MemoryChannel mod&.IV~ , Reroll•i>g a Programmable /vtBmory cnannol whils ASquelch 1s ON.-ca11C6/s J\vromauc SqiJlil(;f>.543 Ot'1 the Front Panel , pres s .one .ol the )luttolis.[1)through (6)t.tJat c.orrespor> ta th~ · Pro~ramrnatlleMemory channel fnto·wh lch you want t'o store thedata seleCted irt Step 1.Pressing any otl\er bunon cancels RrogramrnableMemory Storage.• Tne selected frequency and ass.ociateo data arestored in the Pro9r Memory char'fnel.NIt th!l Programmable Memory channel sel€ctedalready contained d , the (lew data overwrites!M previous data ,Ttie previous mode Is· restored.• To,cle;,.r- fh~ ¢Onten(s afa singl9 Programmabte ·Memory ch;mnsl,''"''switch 1o VI'O moda 1/>f!o era~e lt>e ella"""/.• , To ·Clear the ccmtems of a'/1 Pr~gr~mmab!e M!!mory chanoels,follow ttl• ProgfMlrQal>le Me100ry R~s•• procedure .on f?Sge ,56.RECALLING PROGRAMMABLE MEMORYCHANNELS(VFOMODE)Press (PM) ,111e Programmable Memory channel numbe;sapp~ar in place ot the button functions on theDisplay.The contents of the Progtammable Memorychanne·l used last appear on Jhe Display. and these!actecf Ptogrammable Memo ry channel numberis bracketed 'by a !:tllnli:ing "<4;.".J! Press one ..oflhr,l Front Panel bullons (1] through [6]rhat·corresponds to the Programmable Memorychannel that yo.u want ·to recall.The co11tents of the. recalled ProgrammableMemow channel are transferred to the VFO .Pressing a button for a Programmable Memorytl'1at contains no. data cancels Memory Recall." 'Pressing .any ·other btJ1ton ~ancel.s ProgrammableMemory Recall.Nottt: f:temoving DC wwer·by eitlrar OISCOnnecting the DC poweroiiOle or sw;tching OFF tha PDI.Wt supply wltillf tile eortt""ls ofaProgrammable MtJmarvdla(Jf"e/ are dis!J/ayst1 r.!i u.~e. 'l tim r.flnt~~r~ .otlhat P(!X]rammabtB Memorv channoll() tWISf& to t&. vf;O.