From The N3UJJ.COM Document LibraryFrom The N3UJJ.COM Document LibraryBAND SCANBand Sc<1n allows you to scan au freq1,1encies from thelowest frequency to the high~st frequency on eachband . The current frequency step size for eacli ban9 IsU$90.1 Press (BAND SEL) to select the band that yo u wantto s~01n . ·2' Press· (VFOJ (1 s). and Scan st<1rts at the lreq~Je.ncyturrenr~ displayed. ·• The t MHz: dec im al and the [OON'f SEL)indicator blinlf while scanning is in progress. Tiledefault directionjs downward iillrequency.The. scan d irection is the same as last u·sed . Ifth e Turting control is turned, ·or microphone (UP)or (OWNJ Is pres·seg alfer usirig Scan, the S'candirectio n may be different next time Scan is used ..PROGRAMMABLE BAND SC.A'NTn is .type·of s<;an is similar lo Band Scan e~cep f theprogrammable aspect allows you to set scaro limits tollmirthe frequency range of t he scan.• Selling Scan Limits701 Pr~ss [BAND SEL] to seteet your desired bano.2 Press [FJ + [IJFOl• "L" artd tll!l current tower limit appflar, Tiledefault is the cvrrenrly selected frequency ./ ~5· lrlrl· ,; . IUUL3 Turn the Turttng contr61,. or press micro~hone(UP)/[DWN]. to: display t he desired low,er limit.• Press [MHzf II you want to change lhEIfrequ~. ncy in 1 MHr steps.4 Press {MAl to·store the lower limit.• "U" aro\,1 tlle·cu upper limit appear . Thedefaull is: the :curnm tty selsclsd frequency.5 Turn the Tuning control, or press microphone[UP)/( OWN] , to ·display the desired upper limit .3 To reverse thl! scan direction , turn the Tuningr~n trol . or press microphone [UP)![DWN] .Upward scan :Turn Tuni111J controtclockwi sEt', orPress microphone {UP].Downward scan :Turn Tuning cmmterctockwi se, orPress micropholle (DWNJ4 Tb cancel Band Scan, press [BAND SELl lor·toeband being scanned or [PTl"J ..N,t ·S.IJlUSI be cla {9/' Soan lo hmCt/IJn (p39e ;er),6 Pre<;s [MR]to store the upper limi t.• The previous mode is restored .)o{ote:69• Thp tmver 1/mJt must1be 'lower in frequency than 1he-Uppe'f•lim;l• 1'he Jow~r apd tJppor frequs.ncy steps must~ eqv.aJ:• Selections musr be r:n~de wichjn ~ O ·se<;Oil(JS Qt'e~t1'tiu~·ITIOde rs restored,• Confirming the Programmable limitsl Press [~ A ND $El.) !O 'Select (119 band on wtuchyou want to contirm tne limits.2 Press tFJ+[VFO].• This· is the tower lim it3 Press fMRi .•· Thls ts Jhe·upper limit.4 E ~lt by pressing (F] or tPTTJ .• Using Progra mmabte. Band Scan1 Press [B'ANO SEL)to.selec( your d'esired band.2· Select a frequency •t!Quat·to or b(!lwe.en 111eprogrammed sc,an limits.•· It you select a tre(lusncy that is outsid~ 111eprogrammed scan limits, 111 e transceiver will.start Band 'Scan :automati~:ally in the ne~ t sje;p·instead of Programmable Band Scan..