From The N3UJJ.COM Document LibraryFrom The N3UJJ.COM Document Library4Turnthe Tuning control,Ofpress11'lictophol'le[UPV{DWN). to seleclllle desired 1or10MHZdlgiLWhen usingtile 10MHzfunction. the tOMHzdigit only changes1fyovr receiver coverage,swidertnan10 MHzonthesete<:ledband.5 If using tht! 1 MHz ft.mction, press[MHz)torestore thepreviou s frequency slepandreturntotileVFOmMe. If using the 1oMHztunctlon.oress [MHz], [MHz) ;Ifyoupress only(MHz)after usingthe10MHzfunction. youcanthen use tile 1MHz fui\Ctionifyouwist1before restoringthepreviousfrequency stepand VFO mode .•Changesin Displayed FfequeociesChanging between step sizesmay result In achange of the displ ayed lrequeocy. Whena cf\angeoccurs. andbyhow much , isshown 1fl lheaccompanying charts.Fore~ample,assume 144.995MHzis displayedwitha 5 kHz step sizeselected. Changing to a25kHz step size alters the displayedfrequency tot44.975 MHZ.t 2.5or25kHz 4 5.10. tSor26kHz$tepSillStepSizt- · .... .Dtaptilyed FrequencyDisplayed Frequency(1DkK111kHz/500 Hz)(1GkHl/1kHz)()() ()()12.6 10252037.53050 5062 .5 6075 7087.5 805, 10,15or20kHz-1i2.5 ot 2$kHzStepSizeStttpSill' ...DisplayedFrequentyDisplayadFrequency(10kHz/1kHz)(10 kHr/1kHZj00,05, '10,150020,25,30, 3525....40,45,50,55 50-·60, 65, 70,75,60.65,90. 7595