From The N3UJJ.COM Document LibraryFrom The N3UJJ.COM Document LibraryTile fpllpwing Front Panel iunctoons or typ~s ofll.onctions ctanoot be assigfled to a PF key :[F](PWR)Tunlncg control[PTTJ,IF] {1 s}.[KEY].. POWER 0~The Front Panel key will still fUn<;tion normally>~fler "copying• its function to a PF key.• To restOr'! the defaLJII funct ions showfl irl thechart on pa!Je 82, do a Full Reset {page 50}.1 Monllor FunctionMonhpr allows you to override any squelcll systemsbeing used so activity on a frequency can be heard .This is handy to quickly listen to a fr!1quency will\outac11.1ally changing tile squelch setting or ·disablingthe squelch ~>ystem,Press (FJ+ POWER ON to ass ign the Moroitfunction to micropnone (PF].•· Reco_nfigure (PFJ {pa9e 82} to cancel 1hisfulfcllon.T() u~ the Monitor function , press micrcpnone [P.F]to toggle t.he function ON or OFF, .Scan will nQt'function if MOnitor is ON ' ($quelch open).• F.reqilency Entr.Y84En tering the de~ i'red 'frequency olrectly via themicrophone keypao can be the fastest way ofselecting a Cliffe refit frequency especi'ally wllen asmall frequency step has been selected. If the Mwfrequency is hundreds of kHz or more 'from thecur,ent f1equency. and you don't have the newfrequency stored in any" memory -c han€lels , directentry may be the qLiitkesl way to select yourfrequel'lcy . ·1 Press {BA'NO SEL] to select your desired band .~ Press {VFO] to select liFO mode3 Press [FJ+[VFO] .. POWER ON, then pressmicrophone [PF].• Alternat ively, press [F]~[CONT SEL) toactivate Remote E: onlrol, then pressmicrophone [A).• " - " Indicators appear; The traros.ceiver Isteaely to receive frequency digits from themicrophone .,,~~m-· !--•. llll1;, JiJ--- ---,, ..¢.a.u. ~ ~ ):tu- r rP.\ie• Enter FunctionThe Eflter function i~ use lor enter ing digit!! fmrro anMC·45DMmicrop.hone ,Press. [FJ'I'[VfO)+ POWER ON to as$ign the Enterfunction to rnicrppflone (PFJ. ·• Relet to .Ke,ypaq Direct•Entf)( ,KEYPAD DIRECT ENTRYHi e Enter !unction ;;~llows y0u to enter frequency Olgits ,memory channel digits. or Tone number pigits directlyfrom the MC-45DM microphone. While u ~ln g RemtlleGor'itrot , pressing the [A) ke~ also ~laces tne!ranscejver into direct emry mode .B\J4 Press keys [OJ to [9] rot tire frequency }'Ou want• Enter the dig its in order tne nro stsignificant down to the least srgnifieant.Pressing keys other t han [OJ to [9) or [PF)cal!cels direct entry and restores VFO mode .For vers iCils with rElceiver ¢overage wide!than 10 MHz:. the. 1oMHz digit rnusl beentered. Otherwise, begin enleriflg Irani tile 1MH.z digit .• Except lor the 1 kHz dig it, entering a·dlgit thatis. outside the allowable range. causes theflear.est digit within range to be.displayed. Forthe. 1 IlHz digit, pressing [0) to [4) selects· "0"ana pressing (5] to [9] seh;icts "5" .When the current step 5 kHz , t'O.RH!,15kHz, or20 kHz, enter numeric values· downto the i kHz digit. Enter either 0 .or.$ for 1he1 kHz digit.Wh!in t he c urren t step size is 12.5 kHz or 25kHz , entering the 10kHz digit compt~tesfrequency setting. The 10kHz ilflds.ubsequent olgit,s are set accord1(1g to wliicnkey Is pressed for the 1!) kHz digit as. shownin the chart.