From The N3UJJ.COM Document LibraryFrom The N3UJJ.COM Document LibraryMEMORY CHANNELSVHF/ UHF MEMORY CHANNEL RATIOThe transceiver has a ·total ot 70 memory cnannels forstoring frequencies and related 'data . This total numberol 70 chan nets can be di vided between the two bandsiJ1 different ratios. The default is 30 channels on tnet 44 MHz band and 40 channels on the 430/440 M!-lzband . Tne chart lists tile dillerent memoryCQnfig watio ns avaii;Wie .Co"tlguratl ~n VHf Ba!ld UHF Bandj 5 652 10 60a 15 554 20 so5 25 .1156 30 401 35 358 4() 309 45 2510 SO ' 21)11 55 1512 60 1013 65 5STORING DATA IN MEMORYEach memo ry c hannel oan .be used ei lher as a s •mple>ichanr~el or split channel lor storir~g any frequency orfrequenc y pair that can be ;;elected <m the trar~sceiver .Al ternatively, a standard offset and offset di rectionrequired lor us ing repeaters can be stor!'d. Refe r !o"OPERATING T[.1RQUGH REPEATERS" {PaQe 5 '7},The data listed below can be stored in each memorychan nel:Paramet~r.AX frequencyTX frequency-Tone '(CrCSS) UeQueney..Tonem CrCSS status.Frequency stepShil1 $latus. REV status... .-·orss code. DTSS statusYES: Carr be stored •n men'l'ory.Nl"-" Not a[)P,Iic;ableSimp tel SplilChannel ChannelYES t'" YESYES'YES : 'f:ESYES YESYES YESY ES NIAYES YESNote: On Evroptian versions, "wnel'l me ' 750Hz Tone frequeocy is·selscted, the Tonfl/CTCS$ $1/>ros c.onno( be star ed.421 Press (F]+(MR)+ POWER ON to. select the memotychannel con l•guration mode.~ The cutrent configuration appears. The m~er is the quantity or VHF memo ry channels .The right r~umller is the quantity of UHF memory.channels. -r.' 30 / ua~2 Turn lhe Tuning control , or press microphone[UP.)/(DWN), untilti)e confi!;luration you p refer?Pi5eE\rS on the Display .3 Press.[MR) to store ypur choice.Pressing any other buHon cancels· theconfiguration mode. The previous memorychannel configuration remains valid,Note: The VHF/UHF memory channel cpn/fguratiort musl D& daoobefore s!Ori~ any data tn memo!)' chtjnnels. Changingtonligura llans erases all mamQf)l channel$ except memoo:·' """""' 1.There are 2 metnods of sto ri ng )ransmitlreceivefrequencies and associated data in memory chan nelsdepending on the re1atio~hip of the transm il andreceive freQuencies :• Simplex memory ~:nannels .:AX frequen cy = TX frequency< Splil memory channel,s:RX lrequen ey '" r>< freque ncy• Simplex Memory Channel S'1. Select t he aesired bar~o , frequency. andassoc iated .data (lone. cress. OTSS. etc.)using V FO mode, Memory Recall (page 44} pr\he Call channel {page 45}.2 Press (F) to select Memory Stotage,''F" .and a memory channel number appear.3 Turn th e. Tuning contt ol, 6t ptess microphorte(UPJitOWN) . to select't he desired. memorychannel.