From The N3UJJ.COM Document LibraryFrom The N3UJJ.COM Document LibraryREMOTE CONTROL FUNCTION SIll(F), [KEY) T.ALT SEL(KEY) SH IFT TONE/CTCSS4 151(F), (KE Y) OTI.II' keypadLOCK ON[KEY) MHZ MON ITORfBl[FJ, [KEY][KEY] VOL ON/ OFF V 2 /U2(.1 rn(FJ , [KEYJ DOWN OI M(KEY) DOWN LOWADDITIONAl REMOTE FUNCTION SIn addition to those functions shown In t hE! diagram enpage 81 that can be used willie In Remo te Controlmode. some keys on the micr ophon e al so havecJup licate functions at all times of the11 eqUiv alentbottons on tile Front Panel of t he transceiver. Further,the MooltO r function can be used fro m the microphoneeven thOOgh it is not available on t n& Front Panel{page 83}.• Canliguring th e Pf Keys82The Programmable Funct ion (PF) keys are th ehorizontal row of 4 kevs located on the lace ot tl\emicrophon e. These keys are Ide ntified as follows:Mi crophone General Key ' Default FunctionKey Label Name 'PF PF1 Band SelectMA PF2 Memory RecallVFO PF3 VFO Select·- ·-· . -·-CAU PF4 Call Channel3 mT,ALTREV Enter161 181DH.Afkeypad Speaker SelectLOCI< OFFFrequ ency Readou CONTSEL(Beep)f9l IClSQL ON/OFF MUTEf#l IDlUP Cancel lflUP [FJ81II you prefer. otn er functi ons call be assigned to thePF keys.1 Pre ss one ol the following key c6mbination sdependi ng on Whith key you want to reass•gn :[PF]+ POWER ON, orMicrophon e [MR]+ POWER ON , orMicrophOne [ VFO]+ POWE R ON , orMicrophone [CALL]+ POW ER ON• ~ PF1 ', ''PF2", ''P F3 ' , or ''PF4" appears.2 Press tile key or key combination oil tl18 FrontPan et that you want 10 assign to the micropho11 ePF key pressed in Step 1.The fo ll owi ng ty pes ol Front Panel keyfunctions can be assigned to a PF key ;,(KEY)(F), [KEYJ[F) (1 s), [KEY]( FJ +[ KEYJ