From The N3UJJ.COM Document LibraryFrom The N3UJJ.COM Document LibraryACCESSORY OONNtCliONS·EXTERNAL SPEAKERSIf you plan to use extern;al speaker.s, choose speakerswith an impedance of 8 R The external speaker jack:;accept 3.5 mm diameter mono (2-<;onCiuctor) plugs.Recommended sf)e;~kers include the SP-fiOa andSP-4T.• Receive Audio SwitchingA variety ol speaker configurations ate possible bylJSiilg eitller 1 or 2 external speaKers . Tile AudioSwiich function allows you lo select the exactco"figuration that you like best.Press [FJ ( 1 s), [CONT SEL) to toggle betweenc~;mfigurat l on i or C.on1iguratiort 2 as described intl]e charts.Connecting l external speaker to speaker jack 2will provide audi.:t from both the VHF and .UHFbands through y.our external speaker.One External SpeakerSpeaker jack 1Two External $peakemTM-73JASpeaJ j;ock 2MICROPHONETo communicate il\ .the voice modes, plug a 600 i1microphone eq,.,ipped with an a-pin m?dular connectorinto the.modular socket on tile Front Panel of .thetr<~nso e iver . · Press firmly -on the plug until the tocKin9tab clicks.10Whe;n using 1 external speaker conl)ect~ tospeaker jack 1:conliguratiM 1 l Cilnliguration 2.VHF ~and VHF Band[Internal Speaker) H ( E~tternal Spea~ ei)UHF Band UHF .Band(External Speakerr (Internal Speaker)When using2 external sp~aker~;:Confi.gur.alion 1 Configu ration z. VHF .Band VH F Band(Ext'ernal Speaker 1) ~ (External .Speake r 2)UHF Band .. .UHF Band{Eltternal Speaker 2J (External Speaker 1)PAcKET EO!JIPMENT·tt you Intend to use ·this lranscelvl'!r l or· Paci loperation, you will need the following eQu ipment :Personal computer wit11 cQmrJ1unications software(Alternatively. a "d umb" ierminal .capat:ile of sendingASCII commands)TNC (Terminal Nooe Controller)TNC power supplyAS,232C cable6-pin min1 DIN plug {optional P(3-5A)Reier 10 the ·acCCli!JP cjiagrar11 and th~ · associatedinstructi9n manuals to c(lnfigure the eq uipment asshown . Connect your TNC. to tti~ DATA cOflrtector onthe transceiver F ~ont P.aneii.!Singacable -equipped witha 6-p in mini DIN plug . Do not share a single powersupply between the' t ra ns.e>eiver and the TNG . Keep aswil:is a separation b'etween the transceiver andcomputer as practical to re(luce noise-pickup by thetransceive r_