From The N3UJJ.COM Document LibraryFrom The N3UJJ.COM Document LibraryBEEP FUNCTIONThe transceiver beeps each lime you press a button arkey. Also. pressitlg [P'TTI gen.erale.s a beep any li metransmission is n,ot possibte·on the lreque(lcy selected.For !lxampfe, the transceiver ba.eps when £Pm ispressed while a transmit ofts:et is selected that p1aces1he transmit lrequency outside the. Transmit band.Funl.1ions that are !oggter:l ON and OFF by t h'e sameI>Uiton command are accqmpanfed by a high beep·toinclicate. one status, and a different beep to indicate theopposite status. If you prefe.r , you can llllry the beepvolume or cane-alit altogether- for $iiMt operatio11 .t Press (F) (1 s), [BEEP] .• The current Beep status appears ,/',''llii7b 5CAI.iL lOW SH•FT Tdt\IE2 Turn .the Tuning cen tro! , or microphone[UPf/(DWN], to select ~ our desire 'baep vo l~~me .The available selections are ''OFF". "bt"(quietesl), ' 'b2", "03", ''b4'', "b5" , "b5" , an(l ''bi'''(loudest) . The defai.llt is 1'o5" .3 Press (MHzl or [PITJ ..• The previous mode Is restored.Example 1: 144.260 MH%1~1~!~1 ·!:1:]~[Example 2: 430:5125 MHzI~ I: I~ I.·I: I~ ·1 }Rj.Displayed Ftequency 'Digit' (Hz) .Musical Note0 .523.24!1 c1 587 .328 0 ~-·2 659.248 .e3 698.464 F4 183.984 G ---5 880.000 A ..~ 987,770 B--- ·-··- ·.. , ,._._7 . ........ .. 1046.496 (l8 1174..656' D9 13, 8.496 E -78• Frequency Readout by BeepsThis function uses beeps of different fte(ju encies toannounce the current Control band frequency. TtlefUnction can be used no maUer what mode. the:traflsceiver is in as long as the Beep funclior1 is ON ..1 Press (F]+[TONEJ+ POWER ON ,• The.default' is OFF.2 Press microphone [Pf'].•· The displayed ir.equency ·is announced viatones {page 78}.• Reconfigure [PI']. '{page 82} to cancel thisfunction.. ,Note: Th is funcliott dOes nOt ftmction whr(e any SGan,(undlion ,s-being~ed .77DISPLAY DIMMERThe O•splay illumination can oe varie to .sut l .conditions where you are operatitjg. Select tl'lebrightness revel that provides the·best Display visibility .lith.e Display Dimmer iSswitChed to No Display, theAPO function {page 76} switches ON automatically. If,the APO function th'nes out, the transceiver ·switchesOFF. Switching ON the transceiver again restor9$ thedefault brightness of "d2".1' Press [F.] , [DIM)..• The current Display Dimmer status appears.2 Turn the Tuning contfOI , ,ar press microphOne[UP)/[DWNJ , to select vour desired intensity ofllluminat•on .... The availalira selections are No Display. "OFF","!:14" '(dimmest), "d3" , ''d2", "dt" (brightest) . Tl1edefault is "d2 '' . When the Ntl Display or OFFr.hninPS ~re $F.!h?.cti0ld, the Automatic Dimmer{page 79} 1uncliof1 switches ON automl!tically,3 Press [MHZ] or [PTT].• Tne previous mode IS restored ,