From The N3UJJ.COM Document LibraryFrom The N3UJJ.COM Document Librarytransceiver connections to the b~ttery , lh en reco nn ectany wifing removed from the peg{ltiv e terminal.If tl1e power cabl e must be routed tnroug11a tlOie in thevehicle chassis or body, fol ex;;~mple In th e firewall <1!the front of the passenger compartment. use a rubbergrommet to pro tect the cable from abraSIOn . The entirelength of the c;Jble must be dressed so it Is i solatedfrom heat and mofsture. Afte r the cable Is in pl ace,Wi nd tl eat..-esi sta rn tape ar ourod the fuse holder toprotect it from moisiUfe. Tie down t he fu ll run of cable.Di~marttle the l~se iwiPw to pa ssthe e through lhe firewall.The vehicle battery must have a nom ina l I S!Ing of j 2 V.Never connect the transceiver to a 24 v ba tlery. Besure to use a 12 v vehicle battery that n as suffici entcuflenl capacity. li the current to ttle tre nscetv er isInsufficient, the Displ ay may darl n du rt ngtra nsm ission . or transmit output power may dJope~cassive ly .Only after completing \lle installation, co llnect thetransceiver's power supply coflnector to tt1e DC powercable. Press the connectors tir mty· togettw until theloc king tab clicks.ANTENNA CONNECTIONBelore operating mobile, you must first Insta ll anelficien t. weiHunect anten"a. The success of yourmobile 1nstalla tron will depend largely on the type orant enna afl(;l ~s correct instanauon. The tra nsce r ~erca n give excellent resun s if the anten na system and i tsi nstaJta lioo Is giV en careful att ent ion.TM-733A(Gef'erat}TM· 733A(U S .AJ Canada)~naANT connector Fee line connectorANT connector• Replacing FusesIf the luse blows , determ ine the cause then correctthe problem . After th e problem is resol ved, t!lenreplace the fu se . If newl y Install ed fuses continue toblow. disco nn ect the power cable and contact yourd ealer 01 the nearest SeN1ce Center for assistance.Fuse location Fuse CIJ nent RJJtingTM-733 15ASuppl ied AccessoryCabl e 20ACAUTION: Only uso9 lut es of the <~•11/J(! r}'P<' .,M raM9-Note: If you usetft.o ttansceiver filf a. tong J:'(lrfcd.v.'h.~n Jh!Jvehicle batt~ry 15 not lu lty r.tr11rgBd , ar When rha engine ·is.OfF.the battery may ~>& como dlschat(JIId, ana will nar havs sW •cJOntresftves ro .$ 18 1'fltae veniC Je ,Avoict uSing fh .e fransce;ver underthese conditioos.Your choice of an te r~na should (\ave a 50 \l im pManceto match the tran sce iver iflPU1 impedance, .use low-loss coaxtaf teed Iitle that also has a chatacteristicimpedance of 50 a. Coupltng the antenna to thetransceiv er via f eed lines haVing an impedance othertnan 50 n redUCes ttJe efficiency of tne antenna syst em,and call cause Interference to nearby broadcastteleviSion receivers, radio r eceivers , ana otnerelectron ic eq uiPmenLCAVTfON: Tramm tt rrrg t.l(llf1ouf rirst connectit19 an antefln.s or athermatchel1 108d max damage ms rr~nStlwe r. Al ways connect theantenna to the fronsc&iver befo m trtlnsmitting.