From The N3UJJ.COM Document LibraryFrom The N3UJJ.COM Document LibraryPREPARATION FOR FIXEO STATION OPERATIONThe following diagram lllustr. how to make.connections to the rEjar panel of the transceiver.Connect all c;1bl e's securely so they will not ..:ome looseif pulled.NC?ID ~• For your trt.Jn~"'Ceivilr to ftJI/Y ·.mJf!ibif f1s t}er(Qtmance r:ap2b ififli!s,rh_s followinl} apliOtW f)ooN'It supp/V i& recommended:PS-.33 (20.5A. 25% cJuty .oycleJ.• IJ~IO«J con~ing lne DC f)Qwer st;J()ply to:the rroo510oiv~r. be~Utfllo ~witcn tho fraMes/Vet ana tne·OC po••rtr •~I){Jiy oil• Do nol plug IN<> DC' pbwer supply into a~ AC;()uf!er.un&t you makesfi :tonl~ions.• t!epla~i ng FusesII·the fuse blows, .determine the cause thE!n eorreetl)ie problem. After the problem is resolveo, onlytllen replace the fuse. II newly installed fusf!scontinue to blow, di$C(mnect tne power·plug andronlact your dealerotthe nearest Sef\IICe Center lqrassistance·.Fuse Loc~(ion Fuse Current R.a!ingT~733 15ASuppl ied A®E!SSOryCable 20ACAUTION: Only use iuses of tl:l ~Cifisd lyp• oncJrating.PC POWER SUPPLY CONNECTIONIn oroe' to lJSe this· transce iver for lixed stabonoperation , you will need a s.eparate t .:M Y DC powersypply that must be purc·haSBd separately. DO NQTdirecUy connect the transceiver to an ltC outlet! U~ethe·slJpplled DC power Qable to connect the transceiverto a regulated power supply. Do not substitute a .cablewith s.maller gauge wices. Tile reco.mmended curr'entoapacity of your power ,supply is 12' A.First connect tile DC power cable. !o tna regl!lllted DCf)ow~t .supply and check Jhal polarities are cottect(Red! positive-. Blac;k : ne.gative). Then connect thetrans-ceiver's DG power connector to the connector onthe DC power ·cable. Press the connectors i]rmlytogetheqmtil the locking tab eliCkij.ANTENtfA tONNI:CTIONThe type of the antenna system, con·siSting of theamenna. ground ·. and feed line,. will greatly affect l l:resuccessful performance of the transceiver. use apropMy adjusted so fl antenna of·goo9 qualljydes igned lor oper<~lion at your :operating frequeney tolet your trans-ceiver perlomrat !I!! b~st .lnstaiiJow-lo~s 50 0 coaxial cable and a first Qu~tl!y¢onneclor tor the connection to the transceiver, Forlon_ger lee() line ruM, e'~pecially lor operarion at UHFtrequencies. you might c6nsiiler investing 'in "hardtine"transmissi c) l'l line. Hardline is a~a:ilat>la in largerdiameters and has much lower losa than coaxial c&ble.Tha lower loss can make a sij;lnifieant ditlerence lorthose rnteresiM irT weak $ign_al operation. hi all ca,ses·.match ·the impedanc~ of the.leed line and antenna sothat lhe· SWR is minimum. Generally, an SWR 'measurement of , ..5: 1' .or tess is considered satisfactory,All connections must be clean. and tight. Coupling .theantenna to the transceiver via feed line ·having 'animpedanc;e o\11er than !10 n reduces the efficiency oflhe antenna system. ll .also can cause interfere nce tonearby.t>ro television recei'vers. radio receive;s,and other etewonic:equipment.CAIJT1QN:.• .A/I fiXed sla~0/1$ soou/CI O& ~QIIip{)JJIJ !kith a llghfning arrester mlef!uc~ tne ris• of lira, electtic snock. """ oarnage.• - TrCJflsmiiJjrJg wimo·ur fia>t tonne.cting ap antt.l1Jir1 or omSt m$Jth.s.dload may d8mage the. lr.«niceiver ·, ,Always tcnn~ct tile antenmIQ ''he.fransceivqt ()~)fora transmitting.