Configuring Your Server 4-25ServerPositioning the cursor on "Server" shows the Server menu.The items which can be set on the Server menu and their functions are described below. For thesetting, first select "System Management" or "Console Redirection" and press Enter to display theproper submenu.The following screen shows when [5 Minutes] is set for [Boot Monitoring].See the table below for the items.Option Parameter Description Your SettingAssert NMIon PERRDisabled[Enabled]Indicates whether PCI PERR is supported ornot.If this item is set "Enabled", the system offersan error through the NMI when an erroroccurred.Assert NMIon SERRDisabled[Enabled]Indicates whether PCI SERR is supported ornot.If this item is set "Enabled", the system offersan error through the NMI when an erroroccurred.FRB-2PolicyDisable FRB2 Timer[Disable BSP]Do Not Disable BSPRetry 3 TimesSet this item to "Disable BSP".