pressed. To learn how to enter the programming mode, refer to How to Enter Programming Mode onpage 1-2.SECTION 3 HOW TO ENTER PROGRAMMING MODETo enter programming mode :1. Go to any working display telephone.In a newly installed system, use extension (port 1).2. Do not lift the handset.3. Press Speaker.4. # * # *.5. Dial the system password + Hold.Refer to the following table for the default system passwords. To change the passwords, use90-02 : Programming Password Setup on page 2-530.Program ModeBase Service OP1 OP2Password User Name Level Programs at this Level****** necam 1 (MF) Manufacture Level (MF) :80-02, 80-03, 80-04, 80-05, 80-07, 80-10, 81-04, 81-05, 82-01, 82-04,82-05, 82-0812345678 sltech 2 (IN) Installation (IN) :All programs in this section not listed for MF, SA, & SB0000 ADMIN1 3 (SA) System Administrator - Level 1 (SA) :10-01, 10-02, 10-12, 10-13, 10-14, 10-15, 10-16, 10-17, 10-18, 10-23,10-24, 10-25, 10-28, 10-29, 10-45, 12-02, 12-03, 12-04, 12-08, 15-01,15-07, 15-09, 15-10, 15-11, 20-16, 20-34, 21-07, 21-14, 22-04, 22-11,22-17, 25-08, 30-03, 30-04, 32-02, 45-02, 84-22, 90-03, 90-04, 90-06,90-07, 90-19, 90-57, 90-58, 90-59, 90-659999 ADMIN2 4 (SB) System Administrator - Level 2 (SB) :13-04, 13-05, 13-06, 13-11, 15-14, 21-20SECTION 4 HOW TO EXIT PROGRAMMING MODETo-exit the programming mode :When you are done programming, you must be out of a program option to exit (pressing the Mute keywill exit the program option).1. Press Mute key to exit the program options, if needed.Program ModeBase Service OP1 OP22. Press Speaker. If changes were to the system programming, "Saving System Data" is displayed.SL1100 ISSUE 4.01-2 Introduction