248 / Common feature displaysModular ICS 6.0 System Coordinator Guide P0992640 03You are receiving a call from telephone221.You have received a Ring Again offer for acall to an internal telephone. Press theflashing internal line button or YES to callthe number again. On the M7100 or T7100set, just lift the receiver. Otherwise, pressNO or wait 30 seconds for the Ring Againoffer to expire. For an explanation of RingAgain, seeUsing Ring Again on page 77 .The person to whom you camped the calldid not answer it. The call has come backto you. Press the line button or CALLBACK toreconnect to the call.You are connected to an external call.Press TRANSFER to transfer the call.You are receiving an external callforwarded from telephone 221 or you havean answer button for telephone 221 and anexternal call is ringing on that telephone.The call on line 001 is being transferred toyou by someone else in your Norstarsystem.A camped call is waiting. Press the linebutton or use Call Queuing to answer thecall. Press ³ if you have an M7100 orT7100 sets.You tried to use Call Queuing but no callwas ringing at your telephone.There is no call ringing at your telephone.If you have a flashing line button but yourtelephone is not ringing, press the linebutton to answer the call on that line.The telephone to which you directed a callis not in service or is otherwiseunavailable. The call is returned to yourtelephone.No one answered the call you parked. Thecall has come back to you.221 callingCall 221?YES NOCamped: 221CALLBACKLine001 TRANSFERLine001>221Line001 transferLine001 waitingNo calls waitingNo line selectedNot in serviceParked callCALLBACK