1 Introduction1-8 CS240/CS231Inserting pages from a different original at specified locations in a copyAn original scanned later can be inserted for specified pages in an original scanned earlier for copying.For details, refer to "Inserting copies of a different document for a specified page ("Insert Image" function)"on page 9-30.Printing double-sided copies with the specified page on the front sideDouble-sided copies can be printed with the specified pages on the front side.For details, refer to "Specifying pages to be printed on the front side ("Chapters" function)" on page 9-33.Copying with reversed colorsAn original can be copied with the light- and dark-colored areas of the original image inversed. With Colorsetting "Full Color", copies are printed with the hues and brightness inversed. With Color setting "Black" or"Single Color", copies are printed with the hues inversed.For details, refer to "Copying with image colors inversed ("Neg./Pos. Reverse" function)" on page 9-40.Printing a mirror imageAn original can be copied in its mirror image.For details, refer to "Copying in a mirror image ("Mirror Image" function)" on page 9-42.21241