1 Introduction1-10 CS240/CS231Creating booklets from copies of pamphletsPamphlets with their staples removed can be copied and bound with staples.For details, refer to "Copying booklets ("Booklet Original" function)" on page 9-63.Making copies for filingCopies can be printed with a filing margin so they can easily be stored in filing binders.For details, refer to "Adding a binding margin to copies ("Page Margin" function)" on page 9-65.Adjusting the image to fit the paper sizeWhen the copy paper is larger than the original, copies can be printed so that the original image fills the paper.For details, refer to "Adjusting the image to fit the paper ("Image Adjust" settings)" on page 9-68.Copying with the page layout of a magazineCopies can be made with the pages arranged in a layout for center binding, such as for a magazine.For details, refer to "Copying with the page layout of a booklet ("Booklet" function)" on page 9-71.