Appendix A204AUsing the TELNET console to configure the IP address AYou can also use the TELNET command to change the IP address.TELNET is an effective method to change the machine’s IP address. But a valid IP address must already beprogrammed into the print server.Type TELNET line> at the command prompt of the system prompt, where line>is the IP address of the print server. When you are connected, push the Return or Enter key to get the “#”prompt. Enter the password “access” (the password will not appear on the screen).You will be prompted for a user name. Enter anything in response to this prompt.You will then get the Local> prompt. Type SET IP ADDRESS ipaddress, where ipaddress is thedesired IP address you wish to assign to the print server (check with your network administrator for the IPaddress to use). For example:Local> SET IP ADDRESS will now need to set the subnet mask by typing SET IP SUBNET subnet mask, where subnet maskis the desired subnet mask you wish to assign to the print server (check with your network administrator forthe subnet mask to use). For example:Local> SET IP SUBNET you do not have any subnets, use one of the following default subnet masks: for class A networks255.255.0.0 for class B networks255.255.255.0 for class C networksThe leftmost group of digits in your IP address can identify the type of network you have. The value of thisgroup ranges from 1 through 127 for Class A networks (e.g.,, 128 through 191 for Class B networks(e.g.,, and 192 through 255 for Class C networks (e.g., you have a gateway (router), enter its address with the command SET IP ROUTER routeraddress,where routeraddress is the desired IP address of the gateway you wish to assign to the print server. Forexample:Local> SET IP ROUTER SET IP METHOD STATIC to set the method of IP access configuration to static.To verify that you have entered the IP information correctly, type SHOW IP.Type EXIT or Ctrl-D (i.e., hold down the control key and type “D”) to end the remote console session.