VL6522c/VL5522c/VL4522c 9-119.2 Troubleshooting table 9Authentication information en-tered is invalid, due to failed ac-cess attempts.Contact the administrator.The authentication informationhas become invalid since the au-thentication attempts have failedthe specified number of times.Contact the administrator of themachine.Due to failed access attempts,the current administrator pass-word is invalid.The administrator password hasbecome invalid since the authen-tication attempts have failed thespecified number of times.Turn the machine off, then onagain.Turn off the main power switch,and then wait at least 10 sec-onds before turning it on again.The job log has reached themaximum allowed.Contact the administrator.The write area of the job log hasreached the maximum allowed.Obtain the job log using WebConnection.No Animation Guide data availa-ble. Contact your administrator.Animation guide data is not in-stalled.For details on installing anima-tion guide data, contact yourservice representative.Verify that external keyboard isproperly connected. It may notbe connected or multiple key-boards may be connected.The compact keyboard is notconnected to this machine.Turn off the main power of thismachine, connect the compactkeyboard to this machine. Waitat least 10 seconds, and thenturn on the main power of thismachine.Message Cause Remedy