![Oce im4511 Operation Manual Manual pdf 46 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/3997111/765fc5638593db319ddc3b7811adf05846f.jpg)
STORING, EDITING, AND DELETING FROM THE TOUCH PANEL4514 Enter the e-mail address of the sender.Up to 64 characters can be entered.If you make a mistake, touch the key to movethe cursor ( ) back one space and then enter thecorrect character.15 Touch the [OK] key.16 Check the key name.The charactersappearing next to the[KEY NAME] key will bedisplayed in the key.Only the first 18characters will bedisplayed.If you need to changethe name that will be displayed in the key, touchthe [KEY NAME] key.If you do not wish to change the name, this step isnot necessary.17 Touch the [LOGIN NAME] key.18 Enter the login name.Up to 32 characters can be entered.If you make a mistake, touch the key to movethe cursor ( ) back one space and then enter thecorrect character.19 Touch the [OK] key.20 If you have finished storing senders,touch the [EXIT] key. If you wish to storeanother sender, touch the [NEXT] key.EDITING AND DELETING SENDER INFORMATIONUse this procedure when you need to edit sender information or delete a sender.1 Perform steps 1 and 2 of "STORINGSENDER INFORMATION" on page 43.2 Touch the [AMEND/DELETE] key.The stored sendersappear.3 Touch the one-touch key of the senderthat you wish to edit or delete.The edition/deletionscreen of the touchedsender appears.SPACE 12#$%abcABCAB/abCANCEL OKE-MAIL ADDRESSppd1@abcd.coCANCEL OKLOGIN NAMESENDER NAME documentppd1@abcd.comUSER 2dINITIAL INDEXSENDER CONTROLNo.001ADDRESSKEY NAMELOGIN NAMESENDER NAME documentdppd1@abcd.comINITIAL INDEXNo.001KEY NAMEADDRESSSPACEa s d f g h j k lz x c v b n m - .@q w e r t y u i o p_CANCEL OKLOGIN NAME12#$ABCÀÄÂ/àäâabcAB/abk l @i o p_CANCEL OKAMEND/DELETEOLECT SENDER NAME TO AMENDdocumentgroup