Shooting-slot continuous recordingIf you insert two P2 cards into the two card slots,this function allows you to record continuously onthe two cards.You can also record continuously on three ormore cards by replacing one card while data isbeing recorded on the other. (Hot swap recording)However, depending on when the P2 card isinserted into an empty slot (immediately after pre-recording, or before or after continuous recordingspanning two slots), there may be a delay inrecognizing the P2 card. We recommend insertingthe P2 card while there is at least one minuteremaining on the card that is recording.The SLOT SEL button offers a one-touchmechanism to select the slot whose card will berecorded.You cannot change slots while recording so dothis during recording standby.Does not support hot swap playback.Shot mark functionThe marks attached to the thumbnails of clipsare called shot marks. On the thumbnail screenmonitor you can select only those clips with a shotmark and display them or play them back.During recording, when you press the USER buttonto which the SHOT MARK function has beenallocated, MARK ON appears in the LCD monitoror the viewfinder, and a shot mark is set for thethumbnail of the clip being recorded. If you pressthe button again, the shot mark is released.You can also set or release the shot marks byperforming the thumbnail operations for clips.(Page 65)However, note that you cannot set or release shotmarks during playback.INVALID appears when you cannot set or releaseshot marks.When the video data of a single shoot usinghot swap recording is made up of multiple clips,you cannot set or release shot marks unless allthe P2 cards that make up the video data areinserted into the slots.You cannot set or release shot marks during looprecording.•••••Text memo recordingThis function adds text memos at the video pointson the clip now being recorded or played back.When you press the USER button to which theTEXT MEMO function has been allocated, the textmemo will be recorded at that point. (Page 41)On the thumbnail screen you can select only thoseclips where text memos have been added, andthen either display those clips or play them back.You can record up to a hundred text memos perclip.You will need the latest updated version of P2Viewer to edit the text memos. (Page 121)You cannot record text memos during intervalrecording or one-shot recording.INVALID appears when you cannot record textmemos.Time stamp functionUse the time stamp function to record date andtime of shooting on the video.Select ON under TIME STAMP on the setting menuRECORDING SETUP screen.“ R ” prefixes the date and time display in theviewfinder and the LCD monitor when the timestamp function is on.“ R ” is not recorded on the video.The size and location of the date and timecharacters will vary with the recording format.The data recorded depends on the DATE/TIMEsetting on the setting menu DISPLAY SETUPscreen. No data is recorded when OFF isselected.Superimposed characters are output only during1394 output.••••••