1Chapter ConnectingtoExternalDevices6 REMAINIndicates remaining capacity (units: GB) on the harddisk drive.7 Partition numberIndicates the number of partitions (in units of P2 cards)on the hard disk drive. NOTEThe screen can show up to 10 partitions. When there are 11or more partitions, use the cursor button (]) to move downto display the remaining partitions.8 MODELIndicates the model of P2 card that originally recordedthe data in the partition. NOTEPress the cursor button (o) to switch to PARTITION NAME.Use the cursor button (p) to return to the previous model.When hard disk drive thumbnails are displayed,select CHANGE PARTITION NAME in the OPERATIONmenu to enter the PARTITION NAME on the softwarekeyboard. (up to 20 characters)9 DATE/TIMEIndicates the date and time data was recorded on thepartition.10 SERIALIndicates the serial number of P2 card that originallyrecorded the data in the partition.11 VERIFYIndicates verify settings and results when data wasrecorded to a partition.ON:FINISHED:Runned verify and verify results were matched.ON:FAILED:Runned verify but verify results could not bematched.OFF:Did not run verify.– – –:No verify information available. NOTE• Hard disk drives formatted using FAT can handle up to1000 clips. Any clips beyond that limit cannot be opened.• Only the first partition of a hard disk drive formattedusing FAT can display information.• An invalid partition on P2 STORE (AJ-PCS060G) isindicated in gray.12 NAMEIndicates the PARTITION NAME.Formatting Hard Disks1 SwitchtotheUSBhostmode.For details, refer to [Switching to USB Host Mode](page 146).2 ConnectaharddiskdriveviaUSB.3 PresstheTHUMBNAILbuttontoopenthethumbnailscreen.4 PresstheTHUMBNAILbuttonandselectHDDEXPLOREinthethumbnailmenu.• This opens a screen that shows hard disk drivedata.