Chapter PreparationWhite Shading CompensationThe camera can use DEFAULT (fixed value) and three useradjustable functions (USER1, USER2, USER3) to storewhite shading compensation data.Select SHADING SELECT in the setting menu LENS SETUPscreen to set compensation data. Selecting OFF turns offshading compensation.Selecting White Shading CompensationData1 SelectSHADINGSELECTinLENSSETUP,thenpresstheJOGdialbutton.For details on menu operation, refer to [Using themenus] (page 125).PUSH MENU TO RETURNSHADING(USER)CACCAC PROPERTYCAC CARD READCAC FILE DELETECAC FILE INITDEFAULT>>>ON>>>>>>IRIS ADJUST >>>>>>>>>SHADING SELECTLENS SETUP2 UsetheJOGdialbuttontoselectDEFAULT,USER1,USER,USERorOFFandpresstheJOGdialbutton.• To adjust the white shading, select USER1, USER2or USER3.• The USER1, USER2 or USER3 settings do notcontain any compensation data by default.• DEFAULT stores compensation data that suitsXT17x4.5BRM-K14. For lenses other than thoseabove, perform the “White Shading Adjustment”described below.PUSH MENU TO RETURNSHADING(USER)CACCAC PROPERTYCAC CARD READCAC FILE DELETECAC FILE INITDEFAULTUSER1USER2USER3OFFIRIS ADJUST >>>>>>>>>SHADING SELECTLENS SETUPWhite Shading Adjustment NOTEColoring may occur in the vertical direction near the opensetting of the lens iris even when the white shading has beenadjusted. This is an optical characteristic and not indicative ofa failure.1 Placethecameraintheadjustmentmode.(1) Mount a lens on the camera.• Do not forget to connect the lens cable.(2) Turn the shutter switch off and set 0 dB gain.(3) If the lens comes with an extender, disengage it.(4) Open the setting menu LENS SETUP screenand select USER1, USER2 or USER3 underSHADING SELECT.(5) Use the JOG dial button to select SHADING(USER), select EXECUTE and press the JOG dialbutton.• The message “CHECK LUMINANCE LEVELZEBRA ON VF” appears.PUSH MENU TO RETURNSHADING(USER)CACCAC PROPERTYCAC CARD READCAC FILE DELETECAC FILE INITUSER1RETURNEXECUTE>>>>>>IRIS ADJUST >>>>>>>>>SHADING SELECTLENS SETUPYESNOCHECK LUMINANCE LEVELPUSH SETZEBRA ON VFSHADING: USER1 SET OK?