Chapter AdjustmentsandSettingsforRecordingAdjusting the White Balance and Black BalanceTo record high-quality video with the AG-HPX301E, theblack and white balances must be adjusted according toconditions.For higher quality, it is recommended that the adjustmentsshould be made in this order AWB (white balanceadjustment) ABB (black balance adjustment) AWB(white balance adjustment).Adjusting the White BalanceWhenever light conditions change, the white balance mustbe readjusted.To adjust the white balance, follow the steps below.c d ebaa ND FILTER controlThis control adjusts the amount of light entering theMOS sensor.b AUTO W/B BAL switchUse for automatic control of white balance.c GAIN selector switchNormally set to 0 dB. If this is too dark, adjust gain asnecessary.d OUTPUT selector switchSet to CAM.e WHITE BAL switchSet to A or B.1 SettheGAIN,OUTPUTandWHITEBALswitches.2 AdjusttheNDFILTERcontrolaccordingtothelightconditions.For examples of ND FILTER adjustments, see[Shooting and Recording/Playback FunctionsSection] (page 18).3 Placeawhitepatternatapointwherethelightconditionsmatchthoseforthelightsourceofthesubject.Thenzoom-inonthewhitepatternsothatwhitecolourappearsinthescreen.• A white object (cloth or wall) may be used insteadof a white pattern. The illustration below shows therequired size for the white space. NOTE• Do not point the camera at a high-brightness area.• The white object must appear at the center of thescreen.1/ormoreofthescreeninwidth1/ormoreofthescreeninheight4 Adjustthelensiris.• Use the Y GET function (for details, refer topage 57) and adjust the iris to a approximately70% of incoming light.5 TurntheAUTOW/BBALswitchtowardAWBandreleaseit.• The switch returns to the central position with thewhite balance automatically adjusted.6 Duringanadjustment,theviewfinderdisplaysthefollowingmessage:AWB Ach ACTIVE7 Theadjustmentwilltakeeffectinafewseconds,andthefollowingmessagewillappear:• The adjusted value is automatically stored in theselected memory (A or B).AWB A OK 3.2K• “C TEMP+7” to “C TEMP-7” will appear whenCOLOR TEMP of the scene file is set to the valueother than 0.