10Chapter ConnectingtoExternalDevicesA TYPE S and P2 STORE hard disk drive allows you to writeback data in card units.Format the P2 card to prepare for write back.1 SwitchtotheUSBhostmode.For details, refer to [Switching to USB Host Mode](page 146).2 ConnectaharddiskdriveviaUSB.3 InsertthePcardtowhichdatawillbewrittenbackto.4 PresstheTHUMBNAILbutton,selectHDDEXPLOREfromthethumbnailmenu,movetothepartitionwiththedatathatwillbewrittenandpresstheSETbutton.5 SelectOPERATIONIMPORTALLfromthethumbnailmenuandselectaslotwithanemptyPcardforwritingto.6 SelectYES.• This starts the write process to the card.• COPY COMPLETED! announces the end of the writeback process. NOTE• It is not possible to import data by the partition between P2cards with different model numbers. Import data in clip unitsfrom cards with a different model number.• To turn off the verify phase in a write back operation, selectHDD SETUP in the thumbnail menu and set VERIFY to OFF.This speeds up the write back time but does not verify thewritten data.• When a clip is written back to a P2 card it was not originallyon may make that clip an incomplete clip. Should this happen,reconnect it.Refer to [Reconnection of Incomplete Clips] (page 114).Hard disk drive precautions• Use hard disk drives (including P2 STORE (AJ-PCS060G)) according to the following conditions.- Operate hard disk drives within their operatingspecifications (temperature, etc.).- Do not use hard disk drives in locations that areunstable or exposed to vibration.• Some hard disk drives may not operate normally.• SATA (serial ATA) or PATA (parallel ATA) interface harddisk drives connected using a USB conversion cable maynot be recognized.• Use hard disk drives with plenty of capacity for copyingdata.• During formatting and copying, do not disconnect cablesor remove a P2 card that is involved in these activitiesand do not power off this camera and the hard disk drive,as the camera and hard disk drive will otherwise have tobe rebooted.• A hard disk drive is a precision instrument whoseread and write functions may fail in some operatingenvironments.• Please note that Panasonic accepts no liabilitywhatsoever for data loss or other losses either direct orindirect arising from hard disk damage or other defects.• When data from this camera is copied to a hard disk andis edited on another computer, the data may no longerwork in this unit and the hard disk data may becomecorrupted.• Use of the drive mount converter distributed by the belowURL allows you to mount specific folders when a harddisk drive is connected.https://eww.pavc.panasonic.co.jp/pro-av/