1Chapter RecordingandPlaybackHandling P2 Card RecordingThe P2 card is a semiconductor memory card designedfor the DVCPRO P2 series, Panasonic’s line of professionalvideo and broadcast equipment.• Since the DVCPRO P2 format and AVC-Intra record dataas files, it is ideally suited for computer processing. Thefile structure is in a proprietary format that includes audioand video data recorded in the MXF file format as well asvarious other essential data forming an interrelated folderstructure as shown below.Drive:\CONTENTSAUDIOCLIPICONPROXYVIDEOVOICELASTCLIP.TXT.*Allthesefoldersarerequired.*ThisfilecontainsthelastclipdatarecordedonaPdevice. NOTEIf any of this data is changed or lost, it will not be recognizedas P2 data or the P2 card may no longer be possible to use ina P2 device.• To prevent data loss in transferring P2 card data to aPC or write back PC data on a P2 card, use P2 Viewer,which can be downloaded from the Web site listed below.(Supported operating systems: Windows 2000, WindowsXP, Windows Vista)https://eww.pavc.panasonic.co.jp/pro-av/support/desk/e/index.htm• Follow the steps below to use general software such asMicrosoft Windows Explorer or Apple Finder to transferthe data to a PC. Be sure to use P2 Viewer to write databack to a P2 card.• Treat the CONTENTS folder and the LASTCLIP.TXT fileas a unit.• Do not modify the data below the CONTENTS folder.• In copying, be sure to copy both the CONTENTS folderand the LASTCLIP.TXT file together.• When transferring data from multiple P2 cards,create separate folders for each P2 card to preventoverwriting clips with identical names.• Do not delete data on a P2 card.• Format P2 cards only on a P2 card device.