1.13 Exchanging the Settings between Extensions1.13.1 Walking ExtensionYou can exchange the settings set at another extension with your own settings. This allows you to use yourown settings, including your extension number, on another person’s extension. Settings such as extensionnumber and One-touch Dialling memory are available at the new extension. It is also possible to exchange theDSS Console settings along with the extension settings. Walking Extension is useful, for example, when youmove to a new location in the office.This feature is also known as Walking Station.To exchange your settings with another extensionOff-hook. Enter 727.PT/SLTyourextension no.On-hook.Dial your extensionnumber.extension PINEnter extension PIN(max. 10 digits).2 77D.TonePIN: Personal Identification Number• An extension personal identification number (PIN) is required to use this feature. Refer to" Assigning an Extension PIN to Your Extension (Extension PIN [Personal IdentificationNumber])" in "3.1.1 Customising Your Phone (Personal Programming)".• Your previous extension will receive the old settings of your new extension.• Extension settings can be exchanged between SLT and SLT, PT and PT, or SLT and PT.• If you are using a KX-NT300 series (except KX-NT321)/KX-NT560/KX-DT343/KX-DT346telephone with a Bluetooth wireless headset, and exchange the settings with anotherKX-NT300 series (except KX-NT321)/KX-NT560/KX-DT343/KX-DT346 telephone user, youcannot use your Bluetooth wireless headset at the other extension.Bluetooth wireless headsets are registered on extensions themselves. Therefore, you haveto register a Bluetooth wireless headset on each desired extension. For details aboutregistration, refer to "Bluetooth Registration" in "3.1.2 Settings on the Programming Mode".242 User Manual1.13.1 Walking Extension