2.2.2 Message Manager FeaturesThe Message Manager can maintain the general delivery mailbox, change notification settings, record/deleteprompts, etc.– Logging in to the Message Manager’s Mailbox– Managing the General Delivery Mailbox– Setting Up Message Waiting Notification– Customising the Message Manager’s Mailbox– Recording Messages– Remote Call Forwarding Set– Setting the Timed Reminder– Day/Night Recording Menu– Recording an Emergency Greeting– List of Prompts for VM and AA ServiceLogging in to the Message Manager’s MailboxThe procedures described in this section require the Message Manager to use a telephone, however, manyof these procedures can also be performed using a PC with Web Maintenance Console. For more information,consult your dealer.In order to perform these procedures with a telephone, the Message Manager must log in before performingany Message Manager tasks. To log in as the Message Manager, 3 items of information must be known: theUM group’s floating extension number to access the Unified Messaging system, the Message Manager’smailbox number, and the Message Manager’s mailbox password.– The Message Manager’s mailbox number is 998 (default) depending on the mailbox number lengthspecified in system programming.– The Message Manager’s password can be assigned by the System Administrator using Web MaintenanceConsole or by the Message Manager using his or her extension telephone (refer to " Customising theMessage Manager’s Mailbox").• Before the Message Manager can perform Message Management (recording CustomService Menus, messages, etc.), "Message Manager Access from Telephone" must beenabled and "Password for Message Manager (Up to 16 numeric digits)" must be set by theSystem Administrator using Web Maintenance Console.• After logging in, the system will announce the number of total messages, the number of newmessages, or the length of new messages. These announcements depend on the mailboxsettings and COS settings for the Message Manager.• If there are new messages in the mailbox, the messages will be played automatically. TheMessage Manager can listen to them continuously without listening to the system prompts.This feature is only available when "Autoplay New Message" is activated for the MessageManager’s COS.• For more information on logging in, refer to " Logging in to Your Mailbox".• Manager Service switchingYou can switch mailboxes simply by pressing ## from the subscriber service menu, in thefollowing order:Subscriber service Message Manager service System Manager service290 User Manual2.2.2 Message Manager Features