4.1.2 Manager ProgrammingChanging Call Charges and Extension ControlFollowprogramminginput.To exitTo programmeTo enter the programming modemanagerpasswordPressHOLD.Press PROGRAMor PAUSE.1Enter 1. Press PROGRAMor PAUSE.To continueprogramminginputEnter managerpassword.ORPROG.PAUSEORPROG.PAUSEItem Programming InputChanging the manager password.00 + + Password (max. 10 digits) +Viewing extension call charges.01 + + Extension no.Clearing extension call charges.01 + + Extension no. + +Setting the budget for extension callcharges.02 + + Extension no. + Charge* +Viewing call charges for each verificationcode.03 + + Verification codeClearing call charges for each verificationcode.03 + + Verification code + +Setting the budget for each verificationcode.04 + + Verification code + Charge* +Viewing call charges for each outside line.05 + + Outside line no. (3 digits)Assigning a charge rate for each outsideline group.06+ + Outside line group no. (2 digits) +Charge rate* +Clearing all charges.07 + +Printing the total call charge.08 + +Locking/unlocking other extensions.(Remote Extension Dial Lock)90+ + Extension no. +1 (to lock)/0(to unlock) +Clearing the PIN and PIN lock forextensions.91 + + Extension no. +Clearing the PIN and PIN lock forverification codes.92 + + Verification code +User Manual 3534.1.2 Manager Programming