107■ Power check: PWR[Supported models: LP-SxxxW/LP-Zxxx]Measures the current power ratio [%] in comparison with the default laser power.Power check designationDesignates the power check operation.STX PWR S [Designation mode] [Power correction ratio]Max. 4-byte (Check sum) DelimiterName Data length[byte] Content RemarksDesignationmode 1“0”: Starts the power check (Start of currentpower measurement)“1” : Start of automatic power correction“2” : Start of manual power correctionThe mode of power check is indicated.It is necessary to conduct a powercheck immediately before starting theautomatic/manual power correction.Power correctionratio (3) “050”–“200”[%]Indicates the power correction rationin the manual power correction mode.Adds this data only when the destinationmode is set to the manual powercorrection.Reference• The power check command is rejected when the DIP switch (No. 2) in the rear side of the laser marker is set to OFF.• Transmit the power check command with laser pumping turned ON and the shutter closed. Response data for abnormalreceiving (NAK03 or NAK99) is returned when the laser pumping is OFF or the shutter is opened.(Even when the “reception mode ON” is set for the command reception permission: MKM command, it is refused if theshutter is opened.)• When the Marking Status Sending Enable is set to on, marking status is returned after the power check and powercorrection are performed.Power check readout designationSTX PWR R (Check sum) DelimiterReference• Transmit the power check readout command after several seconds from transmission of the power check command (11seconds for LP-SxxxW or 6 seconds for LP-Zxxx).• If the “Marking Status Transmission Permission (MST Command)” is set to “Transmission permitted”, send the readoutcommand after response of the marking status.ME-LPMSZ-SR-9