172 Menu: Menu Description Tablesz When shooting with the MASTER GAIN set to “–6dB” or“–3dB”, coloring phenomena may occur in portions of thevideo with high brightness.The coloring phenomena can be reduced by switching theOUTPUT/AUTO KNEE switch to [CAM/AUTO KNEE OFF],setting the MANUAL KNEE menu option of the LEVEL> screen to “ON”, and then changing the followingmenu options. When “HD”, “SD”, “FILMLIKE1”, “FILMLIKE2” or“FILMLIKE3” has been selected in the GAMMA MODESEL menu option of the screen, reduce thevalue in the KNEE MASTER SLOPE menu option of the screen. When “FILM-REC” has been selected in the GAMMAMODE SEL menu option of the screen,reduce the value in the F-REC DYNAMIC LVL menuoption of the screen. When “VIDEO-REC” has been selected in the GAMMAMODE SEL menu option of the screen,reduce the value in the V-REC KNEE SLOPE menuoption of the screen.MID SETTINGItems/Data SavedAdjustableRange RemarksMASTERGAIN–6dB6dB30dBSelect the master gain from –6, –3, 0, 3,6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, or 30dB.S C U F –H.DTL LEVEL 000863For performing the horizontal detailcorrection level setting.S C U F –V.DTL LEVEL 001231For performing the vertical detailcorrection level setting.S C U F –DTL CORING 000860For performing the noise elimination levelsetting for detail.S C U F –H.DTL FREQ. 001831For performing the horizontal detailfrequency selection.S C U F –LEVELDEPEND.015For setting the LEVEL DEPEND.When the Y-detail is emphasized, detailsof dark sections are compressed.If the numerical value is larger, details ofbright sections are also compressed.S C U F –MASTERGAMMA0.300.450.75For setting the master gamma. (0.01step)S C U F –BLACK GAMMA –8:OFF:+8For setting the gamma curve for the darkportion.–8 to –1:The dark portion is compressed.OFF:Standard state+1 to +8:The dark portion is extended.S C U F –B.GAMMARANGE123Select the limits for compression andextension.1: ~20%2: ~30%3: ~40%S C U F RMATRIXTABLEOFFABFor selecting the color correction tablefor the linear matrix.S C U F –COLORCORRECTONOFFFor switching ON/OFF of the 12-axisindependent color correction.S C U F –