HL-G1 User's Manual 3.7 Time Diagrams35C Sensor measurement and output1 Output data status is undefined2 Reset function NOTE1. When "Timing Mode" = "Hold", it is possible to use the set-to-zero functionwhile the input TM is ON.2. When "Timing Mode" = "Hold" and TM is ON, selecting the reset functionwith the input MI causes the output data status to become undefined andremain so until TM turns OFF.3. While the output data status is undefined, the system will ignore thezero-set signal.4. When the output data is undefined and TM is ON, the system holds the resetsignal and the undefined data status until the input TM turns OFF.5. The judgment output is determined by comparing the measured value withthe threshold values set unter "Displacement Judgment" (see page 62). Theoutputs will be turned OFF while the status of the output data is undefined.6. If the status of the output data becomes undefined for a reason other thanthe reset signal being input, the digital display, the analog output and thejudgment output will be the same.7. When the output data status is undefined, the analog outputs revert to theinitial setting.8. When you have entered a value under "Offset", the value will be addedwhen a zero set is executed (see page 58).9. If you have set "Analysis Mode" to "PEAK to PEAK" and input the zero-setsignal, the present measurement value will become zero. If you input thereset signal, the measurement value will start from a negative value (–).Rugghölzli 2CH - 5453 BusslingenTel. +41 (0)56 222 38 18Fax +41 (0)56 222 10 12mailbox@sentronic.comwww.sentronic.comProdukte, Support und ServiceSENTRONIC AG