Serial Communication via RS422/485 HL-G1 User's Manual885.1 Communication SpecificationsThe communication specifications of the sensor are listed in the table.Item DescriptionInterface RS422 RS485Communication method Full duplex Half-duplexBaud rate9,600bps, 19,200bps, 38,400bps, 115,200bps, 230,400bps, 460,800bps,921,600bps(default setting = 38,400bps)Synchronous method Start stop asynchronous systemCommunication formatData length: 8 bitsParity: NoneStop bit: 1 bitEnd code: CR (0DH)BCC: Yes (disable by entering "**" (2AH, 2AH)) NOTE To establish communication via RS422/485, both the sensor and the hostdevice must use the same communication settings. When you change the baud rate in the sensor head, you need to restart thesensor to make sure the new baud rate is used.5.1.1 Pin ArrangementPinNo. Lead wire color Signalname Signal direction Description11 Green(before Dec 2010:Black)+SD Transmitted data signal (+).Usually connected to +RD(+RxD) of external device.12Twisted-pairwireSky blue(before Dec 2010:White)-SDSensor output → Ex-ternal device input Transmitted data signal (-).Usually connected to -RD(-RxD) of external device.13 Orange(wire color hasnot changed)+RD Received data signal (+). Usu-ally connected to +SD (+TxD) ofexternal device.14Twisted-pairwireYellow(before Dec 2010:White)-RDSensor input ← Ex-ternal device output Received data signal (-). Usuallyconnected to -SD (-TxD) ofexternal device.15 SG Sensor ExternaldeviceSignal ground. Usually con-nected to SG (SG) of externaldevice.Rugghölzli 2CH - 5453 BusslingenTel. +41 (0)56 222 38 18Fax +41 (0)56 222 10 12mailbox@sentronic.comwww.sentronic.comProdukte, Support und ServiceSENTRONIC AG