Creating and modifying global configuration templates 155Model 1001MC Operations Guide 7 • Model 2701RC managementCreating and modifying global configuration templatesModel 2701RC rack cards can be configured globally by templates you create. If you use this capability, youhave the option to globally configure some or all Model 2701RC NTUs in multiple racks, or those in justone rack.This section contains the following information to help you configure and use templates:• Protecting individual Model 1001 racks and 2701RC rack cards from global modification—You may notwant all racks or NTUs to be modified when you apply the global template, so section “Protecting Model1001 racks and Model 2701RC NTUs from global modification” describes how to protect individual 1001racks and 2701RC NTUs from being globally configured.• Creating a template (see section “Creating a template” on page 158)• Modifying a template (see section “Modifying a template” on page 163)• Deleting a template (see section “Deleting a template” on page 164)• Applying a template (see section “Applying a template” on page 164)Protecting Model 1001 racks and Model 2701RC NTUs from global modificationThis section describes how to protect 1001 racks and 2701RC NTU cards from being modified when a globalmodification is applied. This is useful if you are setting all but a few cards to the same configuration. You mayprotect an entire rack or only selected individual rack cards.• To protect an entire Model 1001 rack, see the section “Protecting an entire Model 1001 rack from globalconfiguration” on page ….• To protect a selected Model 2701RC rack card, see section “Protecting a Model 2701RC rack card fromglobal configuration” on page ….Protecting an entire Model 1001 rack from global configurationDo the following to protect a Model 1001 rack: