About this guide Model 1001MC Operations Guide7Typographical conventions used in this documentThis section describes the typographical conventions and terms used in this guide.General conventionsThe procedures described in this manual use the following text conventions:Table 1. Text conventionsConvention MeaningGaramond blue type Indicates a cross-reference hyperlink that points to a figure, graphic,table, or section heading. Clicking on the hyperlink jumps you to the ref-erence. When you have finished reviewing the reference, click on theGo to Previous View button in the Adobe® Acrobat® Readertoolbar to return to your starting point.Futura bold type Indicates the names of menu bar options.Italicized Futura type Indicates the names of options on pull-down menus.Futura type Indicates the names of fields or windows.Garamond bold type Indicates the names of command buttons that execute an action.< > Angle brackets indicate function and keyboard keys, such as ,, , and so on.Are you ready? All system messages and prompts appear in the Courier font as thesystem would display them.% dir *.* Bold Courier font indicates where the operator must type a response orcommand