Creating and modifying global configuration templates 162Model 1001MC Operations Guide 7 • Model 2701RC management• Tx Clock Timing, this selects the source of the DTE Transmit Clock signal. Note that Clock Mode aboveis for the transmitted E1 signal.- external(0)—Use only when the Clock Mode is set to external-CLK(2).- internal(1)—Use when the Clock Mode is set to either internal-CLK(1) or networtk-CLK(0).• FP Switch (Front Panel- disabled (0)—disables the toggle switches on the front panel of the 2701RC rack card- enabled(1)—enables the ability to use the front panel toggle switches• In Band Loops, the two in-band loops are the CSU loop and the V.54 loop.- disabled(0)—neither loop can be enabled.- enabled(1)—one of the in-band loops can be enabled depending on the selection of the RDL Type.• RDL Type- csu(1)—Selects the in-band loop which is initiated as the standard CSU loopback.- v54(2)—functions as defined by the V.54 remote Loopback.• Test Mode DTE, refers to the initiation of loopbacks via one of the DTE signals.- disabled(0)—no loopbacks can be initiated by a DTE signal- enabled(1)—Loopbacks can be initiated by a DTE signal.Refer to section “Applying a template” on page 164 to activate the template.