Model 3088RC Configuration Slot X page MIB variables description 201Model 1001MC Operations Guide 9 • Model 3088RC managementProtected (disableGlobalConfig)You can protect individual rack cards from being globally configured by setting the pop-up menu from nor-mal(0) to protected(1). After you have set the protection option, if you are finished making changes to the cur-rent rack card, click on the Submit button (located at the right side of the rack card’s row in the table) to savethe changes.Note Setting the protection to normal(0) will enable the rack card to receivenew configurations through the global configuration command.Note After submitting the protection setting, you must click on the RecordCurrent Configuration button located on the HOME page to storethe configuration changes into memory (see “HOME” on page 228for more information).Local Circuit ID (localCircuitID)The circuit ID is a 40-byte string that is stored in non-volatile flash within the Model 1001MC. This stringcan be changed within the Configure Cards page or from the Slot Configuration page. After clicking the Sub-mit Query button to input the string to the management system, you are required to select the Record CurrentConfiguration button on the Model 1001MC button on the Model 1001MC HOME page. This will store theinformation into flash making it available after a re-boot or power cycle.Remote Circuit ID (remoteCircuitID)The circuit ID is a 40-byte string that is stored in non-volatile flash within the Model 1001MC. This stringcan be changed from the Configure Cards web page or from the Slot Configuration page.Submit buttonClick the Submit button to input the changes to the management system. After clicking the Submit button, youare required to select the Record Current Configuration button on the Model 1001MC button on the Model1001MC HOME page. This will store the information into flash making it available after a re-boot or power cycle.Note After submitting the remote circuit ID information, you must clickon the Record Current Configuration button located on the HOMEpage to store the configuration changes into memory (see “HOME”on page 228 for more information).Model 3088RC Configuration Slot X page MIB variables descriptionThis section describes the MIB variables that are available on the Model 3088RC Configuration Slot X page.(See figure 93 on page 193). Starting from the HOME page, click on the following links: Home (menu) > Config-ure Cards (menu) > View Rack [rack number] > model3088RC-xxx(x) (in the Local Model Code column).Model 3088RC Configuration Slot (nmsSlotID)Displays the address of the NetLink E1-G.SHDSL NTU. The address is defined by the DIP-switch setting ofS3 and S4 on the rack card.