Where to go next 35Model 1001MC Operations Guide 2 • Hardware installationEthernet LED indicatorsThe Ethernet LEDs convey transmit and receive data activity as well as the status of the link (see table 11).Power LED indicatorThe power LED shows the power status of the Model 1001MC (see table 12).Heartbeat LED indicatorFault LED indicatorPPP LED indicatorNote The PPP capability will be included in future releases as a softwareupgrade to the 1001MC.Where to go nextCongratulations, you have finished installing the Model 1001MC! Now go to chapter 3, “Getting started” onpage 36.Table 11. Ethernet LED indicatorsLED Color Function DescriptionLI Green Twisted pair link indication On = Connected to active LANOff = Not connected to active LANTD Yellow/Green Transmit data from 1001MCto LANYellow = Idle conditionGreen = Toggles yellow/green with activityRD Yellow/Green Receive data at 1001MC from LAN Yellow = Idle conditionGreen = Toggles yellow/green with activityTable 12. Power LED indicatorLED Color Function DescriptionPower Green Power status On = Power is ONOff = Power is OFFTable 13. Poll LED indicatorLED Color Function DescriptionPoll Yellow Heartbeat Toggles when packet TX is on the backplane busTable 14. Fault LED indicatorLED Color Function DescriptionFault Red Fault condition On = Signals hardware faultOff = No hardware fault