SCSI Commands: 29BREAD ATTRIBUTE Page 130BitsByte 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 00 (MSB)3 AVAILABLE DATA (n-3) (LSB)Attribute identifiers4 (MSB)5 ATTRIBUTE IDENTIFIER 0 (LSB)...(MSB)n ATTRIBUTE IDENTIFIER x (LSB)The AVAILABLE DATA contains the number of bytes of attribute identifier data inthe parameter list.An ATTRIBUTE IDENTIFIER field is returned for each attribute that is not in theunsupported state and not in the nonexistent state in the specified partition andvolume number.3.17.5 VOLUME LIST Service ActionThe READ ATTRIBUTE command with VOLUME LIST service action returnsparameter data identifying the number of volumes supported. The contents of theVOLUME NUMBER; PARTITION NUMBER; and FIRST ATTRIBUTE IDENTIFIERfield in the CDB are ignored.BitsByte 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 00 (MSB)1 AVAILABLE DATA (02h) (LSB)2 FIRST VOLUME NUMBER3 NUMBER OF VOLUMES AVAILABLEThe AVAILABLE DATA contains two.The FIRST VOLUME NUMBER field indicates the first volume available. It containszero as there is only one volume.The NUMBER OF VOLUMES AVAILABLE field contains one as there is only onevolume.3.17.6 PARTITION LIST Service ActionThe READ ATTRIBUTE command with PARTITION LIST service action returnsparameter data identifying the number of partitions supported in the specifiedvolume. The contents of the PARTITION NUMBER and FIRST ATTRIBUTEIDENTIFIER field in the CDB are ignored.BitsByte 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 00 (MSB)1 AVAILABLE DATA (02h) (LSB)