SCSI Commands: 36BREPORT DEVICE IDENTIFIER Page 1593.24.2.1 Field DescriptionsField Bytes Bits DescriptionIdentifierLength0-3 The Identifier Length field indicates the length in bytes of theIdentifier field. The Identifier Length shall initially equal zero, andshall be changed only by a successful SET DEVICE IDENTIFIERcommand.Identifier 4-n The Identifier field shall contain a vendor specific value. The valuereported shall be the last value written by a successful SETDEVICE IDENTIFIER command. The Identifier value shall persistthrough power cycling. The drive supports a maximum Identifierfield size of 64 bytes.3.24.3 REPORT DEVICE IDENTIFIER Completion StatusCode Message Description00h GoodStatus• The drive is ready to perform any appropriate command.• The drive remains in any previously set mode.• The drive accepts commands from any Initiator.• The tape position is not changed.02h CheckConditionUse the REQUEST SENSE command to retrieve status information. PossibleSense Keys are:Code Message Description04h Hardware Error Parity error on the SCSI bus or drive hardwarefailure.05h Illegal Request The Command Descriptor Block is invalid.06h Unit Attention The cartridge was changed, or the drive wasreset prior to this command.