SCSI Commands: 21BLOG SENSE Page 553.9.6 Read Error Counters Log Page (03h)The Read Error Counters Log Page records read errors. The parameters on thispage can be reset to zero with the LOG SELECT command.Page Code Page Length03h 38hParameter Description Length0 Errors corrected without substantial delay 41 Errors corrected with possible delay. 42 Total rereads. (Sum of Parameter 0003 and Parameter 0006) 43 Total errors corrected. This is total read retries less total unrecoverable errors.(Parameter 0004 minus Parameter 0006, this is also the sum of Parameter0000 and Parameter 0001)44 Total times error correction processed. This is the total number of read retries. 45 Total bytes processed. This is the total data sets read. 46 Total uncorrected errors. This is the total unrecoverable read errors. 43.9.7 Sequential Access Device Log Page (0Ch)The Sequential Access Device Log Page tracks the flow of data to and from thedrive. It also signals when drive cleaning is necessary.Page Code Page Length0Ch 3ChParameter Description Length0000h Number of data bytes received from application clients during WRITECommand operations. This is the number of bytes transferred over the SCSIinterface before compression.80001h Number of data bytes written to the media as a result of WRITE Commandoperations, not counting ECC and formatting overhead. This is the number ofdata bytes transferred to media after compression.80002h Number of data bytes read from the media during READ commandOperations, not counting ECC and formatting overhead. This is the number ofdata bytes transferred from media with compression.80003h Number of data bytes transferred to the initiator(s) during READ commandoperations. This is the number of bytes transferred over the SCSI interface,after decompression.80100h Cleaning required. A non-zero value of the cleaning required parameterindicates that a condition requiring cleaning has been detected and asubsequent cleaning cycle has not been completed. The cleaning requiredparameter is persistent across hard resets and power cycles.8